Senator Ted Kennedy aims high for long-term care insurance to

4:47 PM
Senator Ted Kennedy aims high for long-term care insurance to -

Washington Monument This week, US Senator Edward Kennedy unveiled a whopper of a health care plan and insurance reform, comes to a big bill 651-page.

We haven, AOT had a chance to read the entire bill, but the provisions are similar to those described by legislators in the US House of Representatives.

bill Senator Kennedy, AOS includes the creation of a health insurance exchange where Americans can shop for coverage in a market highly regulated health insurance companies won, AOT be able to reject applicants for pre-existing conditions.

Under the Kennedy bill, individuals would be required to obtain health insurance, but waivers are available for those who really can not afford it, reported New York Daily News .

A great new Senator Kennedy introduced into the fray of health insurance / health reform long-term care insurance.

LTC is designed to help those who need nursing and health care services for long periods of time to help them recover from injury or illness. All need constant care for more than two months could be considered as long-term care.

While everyone may need long-term care, for example if a person was seriously injured in a car accident, long-term care is most needed by the elderly in homes nursing and assisted living.


would actually help seniors pay for health care services they need in their own homes, rather than forcing a person to move into a nursing home.

Americans would be able to get coverage for $ 65 a month by the federal government and not get less than $ 50 a day in benefits. You, AOD have to pay premiums for at least five years to get the benefits, however. Young Americans can buy this coverage as well for as little as $ 5 per month.

The idea is to help people plan how They, Äôll get their care as they age, and give them access to health care when they need it. It can also help reduce nursing home care costs, which are exorbitant.

With all the baby boomers approach the Golden Years, Kennedy timed this provision well enough. We'll see how it AOS received the pass for weeks.

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