The cost of employee health insurance for a family of four

8:14 PM
The cost of employee health insurance for a family of four -

Just how much is the consumer liable for payment in respect of health insurance by the employer? In a 2013 report, employee benefits and health care consultant Milliman has highlighted key findings related to rising health care costs for a typical American family of four.

The Milliman Medical Index (MMI) shows that the total cost of health insurance for a family of four averages $ 22,030. Of this, the employer usually covers $ 12,866 of the cost and the remaining $ 9,144 is left in employee contributions. The employee is responsible for paying the premiums of health plans and out-of-pocket costs such as premiums, deductibles and coinsurance.

With such a large part covered by employers, many consumers do not realize the full cost of health care, but the reports find that families are indeed see a larger increase in costs that employers in over the past four to five years. To put it in perspective, the total cost of health care covered by the employee and the employer, for a family of four is almost equal to the cost of annual tuition at a public college in the state.

To see what other common household costs are comparable to employee health care, see the infographic below.

Employee Health Insurance

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