How flexible to achieve benefits on your Small Business

8:39 PM
How flexible to achieve benefits on your Small Business -

In a time when health benefits costs almost be inconceivable your small business is a difficult decision: to keep your current group health insurance, or offer anything. The truth is, no benefit for the health of your employees has hurt your small business in the long run. So what is the solution? Provide flexible benefits - here's how Flexible_benefits

Why Flexible Benefits are important

you may be wondering, "what are flexible benefits and why they be important to my little business?" Health Benefits Flexible benefits that include your entire workforce. Rather than a one-size-fits-all plan, so that they adjust employee health benefits to their unique lifestyle and needs

think that way about it. Your small business can only 15 employees, but some of them can baby boomers and others are from Generation Y. Each generation different needs and values ​​has. If you offer the same health benefits plan for all of them, it can not adapt to their specific needs. For this reason, flexible benefits you as an employer to offer something for everyone at an affordable price.

The old way

[1945007FlexibleVorteile] were not always readily available, and things have changed over time in the health care industry. At a time when companies were able to offer a group health insurance at an affordable price. It was the way that the individual insurance got. However, things have changed. For example, from 1999 to 2014 funded by the employer health benefits to 174% for a total annual single premium increases. In dollar amounts, which in 1999 $ 183 / month was raised to $ 502 / month by 2014

These increases were far affordable for individuals and small businesses that are good, quality required in healthcare. In addition, health insurance group offered little were left to no room for flexibility- employees with a one-size-fits-all plan. as group health insurance to increase prices, but still, started solutions to the surface. Individual insurance reimbursement health

The new way

Today there is a better option flexible health benefits your employees reach - insurance reimbursement the health of the individual. Although Group health insurance premiums continue for a total annual single premium , individual health insurance average $ 82 / month [1945003beidurchschnittlich $ 502 / month remain unaffordable] by [must loans premium tax

Now, ask yourself are "what the health insurance reimbursement single?" Reimbursement individual health is exactly what it sounds like. Your employees go to the health insurance market of the State and buy a plan (like car insurance). You reimburse employees for their monthly premium costs up to an amount that you (for example, 150 $ / month) indicate.

With individual health insurance reimbursement for your employees is the ultimate way to achieve flexible benefits for your small business. This allows all the demographics of your company to choose a plan that suits them best and is affordable, too. Also flexible advantages, is to get a great resource and recruiting top talent for your small business.

For more information on how to set up an individual health insurance reimbursement for your small business, click here.

What do you think about the individual health insurance reimbursement as a way to provide flexible benefits for your employees? Comment below and join our discussion.

Small Business Guide to Individual Health Insurance Reimbursement

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