Rhetoric Democratic Change reforming health care

6:12 PM
Rhetoric Democratic Change reforming health care -

obama2 A recent meeting with advocates of reform and puts Democrats highlight the fact that the reform of health care is gaining popularity. Before the law passed, many believed - including President Barack Obama - reform would become more popular after its passage. Now the belief shown to be completely unjustified and Democrats are changing their level of rhetoric and game.

Recently Politico reported that FamilesUSA led a conference call and presentation that focused on defense reform and win skeptics of reform. People under 40, Latinos and women who do not go to college are the three main groups that will be targeted with the new campaign because of their traditional support for Democrats.

The presentation concluded that people are not aware that the adopted reform and that fans should focus on positive changes to health insurance policies.

The presentation highlighted these strategies to gain support:

  • Avoid claims the new law will reduce Medicare costs or reduce the deficit
  • Tell people that the reform of past health care
  • Avoid citing long list of benefits to voters
  • Use personal stories to show the benefits of the reform and the make relatable to the public
  • Don "t overpromise what the law provides keeping small claims and credible

the presentation even suggests that supporters should say." the law is not perfect, but it does good things and helps many people. now, we 'll work to improve it. "

Maybe these new tactics will change the way people believe in reform and continue to enrage people who oppose it.

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