The effect of the reform on the health of women

4:35 PM
The effect of the reform on the health of women -

health insurance women's Hot Topic on Twitter Today

tweets below could only grab our attention and get us thinking about the health of women in the uS compared to other parts of the world. A new survey mark and info-graphic accompaniment released by the Commonwealth Fund has people talking today.

by Storified · Fri July 13, 2012 12:36:39

Oceans Apart: The higher health costs of women in the United States compared with other nations, and how reform contributes http: / / Rynders
Oceans Apart: the highest health care costs of women in the United States compared with other nations, and how reform helps / cdtvF # ACA NPA ...
According to a recent study, 43% of women in the US ages 19-64 skipping care because of cost. More:
Some of the most alarming findings of the survey:

- Women States STATES said they have problems paying medical bills at double the rate of women in one of the other countries. A quarter (26%) of women in the US 19 years - 64 had medical bill problems compared to 13% in Australia, 12% in France and 4% in Germany.

- Half (52%) of women in the United States said they were confident they would be able to afford the health care they need if they were seriously ill. In contrast, almost all women in the UK (91%) and three quarters (77%) in the Netherlands and Switzerland (76%) were confident they could afford needed care

-. About two in five (39%) of women in the United States spent $ 1,000 or more on medical expenses out of pocket over the period 09-2010, compared to a quarter (24%) Switzerland 1 percent in Sweden, and 0 percent in the UK

the affordable care Act is and will continue to help women in the US

in 2011, an estimated 20.4 million women. benefited from provisions requiring all private insurance plans existing at the time of the law adopted in March 2010 to provide preventive services like screening for cervical, breast and colon cancer, cholesterol checks and osteoporosis and chlamydia screening without cost sharing
from August 2012, the private health insurance plans cover an extra set of preventive services tailored specifically for women, including family planning services at no cost sharing.- the US Department of Health and Human services has estimated that 39.5 million women have more lifetime limits on what their insurance plans cover due to provision of the affordable care Act requiring insurers to remove them.

- Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plans are available in all 50 states for people with health problems who have been uninsured for at least six months. Nearly 62,000 people have registered in the plans, more than half of them are women.
The full report is available here.

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