Legalize gay marriage - a healthy choice

7:38 PM
Legalize gay marriage - a healthy choice -

gavel There is a hot topic in the news for sure - whether or not the 1996 defense marriage law (DOMA), which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, is constitutional. Today, an appeals court in Boston ruled that DOMA is discriminatory against homosexuals and that it is not constitutional.

We'll watch the news to see what is next, and how health insurance coverage factors, but in the meantime we thought we were going to discuss one of least talked about issues surrounding gay marriage - it is healthy

for many gay Americans the issue of legalizing gay marriage is about even more than being able to file a joint tax return at the end of the year - it is about the mental and physical health and wellbeing. The ripple effect of sanctioning gay marriage could improve the health of the gay population in ways you may never have thought of.

Like USA Today reported last year, a study by the American Journal of Public Health concluded that gays the men living in countries where gay marriage is legal

  • are healthier
  • have less stress
  • make visits to the doctor less
  • have lower costs of health care

the study was based on health statistics among men gays in Massachusetts 12 months after the legalization of gay marriage versus 12 months prior.

Notice that less stress is identified as a positive result in this study. Stress can have a huge impact on everyone's well-being, gay or straight. However, there are specific constraints could be mitigated within the gay community, so full marriage equality existed.

It is no coincidence that LGBT teens and young adults have one of the highest annual rate of suicide attempts. Be validated and recognized as a worthy segment of the population would instill trust in our gay youth and build a better self-esteem and mental health in the future.

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