Understand the decision of the Supreme Court on the reform of the health

5:36 PM
Understand the decision of the Supreme Court on the reform of the health -

uscapitol Whether you're for it, against it, or a little of both - there is no denying the fact that the decision of the Supreme Court today upholding the patient protection and affordable care Act marks a historic day for the United States.

despite all the latest news and political lobbying, there is no doubt that Americans are still confused by the massive, complex health law reform. No worries, we got you.

health reform The decision today, in summary:

  • Almost all of the complex law was upheld. This includes the controversial individual mandate, which requires by law that all Americans buy coverage health insurance or pay a fine. The individual mandate was formally described and classified as a tax by the Supreme Court.
  • The decision was upheld in a 5-4 decision. The four dissidents are not satisfied with the decision, saying that if they had the majority, they would have invalidated the law in its entirety.
  • The only part of the PPACA that has not been confirmed a provision about Medicaid. The law gave the power to the federal government to deprive states of their Medicaid funding if they do not comply with laws on health reform that require them to expand their Medicaid coverage. The Chief Justice Roberts said that Congress is not free of

Some other major changes "penalize states that choose not to participate in this new program by taking away their Medicaid funding existing ".

  • insurers prevented from excluding or denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions
  • young adults can stay on parents' health insurance plan until 26
  • all plans to cover preventive care
  • No lifetime limits on coverage

Visit Healthcare.gov for a full and detailed account of all the major provisions of the Affordable care Act.

If you have enthusiasm, you can read all opinions here.

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