You have questions about health insurance? A GoHealth Answers.

3:34 PM
You have questions about health insurance? A GoHealth Answers. -

questionmark Vice President Consumer Marketing GoHealth, Michael Mahoney, recently visited WGN Channel 9 News here in Chicago when issued noon. Michael was on-set to share valuable tips on what to look for when looking for a health insurance plan.

Health insurance is such a purchase-strong involvement, and consumers should take the time to gather all the information they can before making a purchase decision.

This is the top 3 things to look for when shopping for health insurance

Provider Network
You probably heard BPP and HMO - these are groups of doctors, hospitals and medical specialists who provide health care services to members at a price. Before choosing a specific network provider, check how great it is and where participating physicians and hospitals near where you live.

Premium and deductible costs
A premium is the amount you pay each month for your coverage to Medicare. The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket for medical services before your health insurance kicks in. In most cases, the lower monthly premium, the higher the deductible, and vice versa.

coverage levels
Know exactly what is covered by your specific plan. You do not want surprises sticker shock after receiving treatment

Watch the video below to hear the discussion on these topics, as well as tips on saving on health care and choosing the good plan for your specific needs :.

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