Is this the end of the fee for service plans?

7:26 PM
Is this the end of the fee for service plans? -

Remember fee for service Medicare plans? Well start preparing your farewell, because this plan can be eliminated over the next seven years.

The National Commission on the reform of payments to physicians interested in pushing to eliminate one type of insurance coverage the oldest disease and the most expensive, the service charge (FFS) plan.

What is a health plan FFS?

They are not so common anymore so let us refresh your memory. Also known as a "compensation plan" this plan covers all health costs. Do not worry about staying in your provider network, because with a FFS you can see a doctor and your bill will be covered.

Of course all sounds good, but there are some drawbacks to FFS plans. All this comes flexibility to high profitability expect high deductibles and premiums. Coverage can also be limited for routine care and preventive.


The Commission, which comprises representatives of Tufts Medical Center, Harvard, CVS Caremark, WellPoint and more, advocates for accelerated processing of new models care that the transition from fee for service model in a mixed payment system in about five years.

"We need to move away from fee-for-service and adopt new ways of paying doctors that encourage, cost-effective high quality care," said the co-chair Steven Schroeder commission . Schroeder, a professor of health care and health at the University of California. - San Francisco believes that the way we currently pay physicians is wrong

While some say there still a place for FFS health plans, a growing number of health experts agree that the system needs an update.

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