Texas threatens to abandon Health Insurance Program

9:03 PM
Texas threatens to abandon Health Insurance Program -

texasmap Texas Legislature is considering abandoning Medicaid, the health insurance program for residents low income, save money. While many countries are facing tight budgets and gaps, discusses Texas to drop the program entirely as reforming health care to grow in the coming years.

Now, the Texas Medicaid program covers 3.6 million Texas residents. The federal government pays 60 percent of costs totaling $ 45 billion for both years and the states pay the remaining cost.

Approximately ten states are considering the idea of ​​abandoning their Medicaid programs. That residents who are dropped from Medicaid will be eligible for health insurance subsidies provided by the reform of health care remains inaccurate reports Kaiser Health News . But if they are eligible for grants, there will be a large influx of people in the private market and subsidies could cost the federal government more than expected.

Abandonment of the Medicare program could only harm the residents of Texas, but also the economy - leaving Texas Legislature a monumental decision before them.

Regina Rogoff people "Community Clinic said," The real benefit of Medicaid is it "shared cost her, with the federal government to take a greater part." Medicaid withdrawal "will increase local property taxes, because the hospital emergency rooms can" t turn away patients. And has the involvement of us pay through federal taxes, to subsidize care in other sates, leaving the people who live in our state without care. "

the people of Texas would also paying taxes for other states Medicaid but not their own.

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