abusive relationship of America with painkillers

6:37 PM
abusive relationship of America with painkillers -

There pills2 few days, officials from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts announced that they will restrict the ability of physicians to write new prescriptions for painkillers (opioids) to the 30-day pills value before a mandatory review by the insurer. Beginning on 1 July, this strict rule is designed to discourage abuse of painkillers.

BCBS Massachusetts, the largest health insurer in the state, says that almost ten percent of its members (30,000 people) received painkiller prescriptions for more than 30 days. There is no doubt that America's dependence on prescription narcotics is out of hand, and the insurer takes action. The rule applies only to painkillers prescribed for relatively minor injuries such as a pulled muscle. Patients with chronic or terminal diseases will still be able to receive as many prescriptions their doctors agree.

What are prescription opioids
You might be more familiar with the name of the opioids brand - Drugs like Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin. They are all natural and synthetic versions of opium to relieve pain by reducing the number of pain signals delivered to the brain through the nervous system. While they are very effective, they can be very addictive if not taken properly.

Facts Painkiller abuse

  • The number of babies born addicted to painkillers in 09 increased to 13,000. Some compare the epidemic problem "crack babies" that first attracted public attention in the early 0s
  • In 2010, US pharmacies produce enough product to give every person in the country 40 Percocets 5mg and 5mg 24 Vicodins.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14,800 people died from an overdose of prescription painkillers in 08.
  • both painkillers are the most popular prescription oxycodone (the key ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet and Percodan) and hydrocodone (the key ingredient in Vicodin).

Only time will tell if the policy change of this great Massachusetts health insurer will affect prescription painkiller abuse in the state. We would not be surprised if other states and carriers have begun to follow suit.

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