When it comes to health, you could be your worst enemy?

2:33 PM
When it comes to health, you could be your worst enemy? -

redcross A recent article in a popular magazine women, AOS detailed the emotional struggle a mother faced when informed by his doctor placing his young daughter on a diet. Yes, you read correctly.

The weight of child, AOS had been increasing in recent years, despite the mother, AOS efforts to feed his daughter a healthy diet supplemented with the occasional treat. Finally, the dreaded diagnosis was made. At that time, the mother felt she had no choice. His daughter, AOS pediatrician said that, if untreated, the child, AOS excess weight could cause a host of serious medical problems down the road and most likely for the rest of his life.

The recommended diet was strict on the number of calories allowed per day, but not at all dangerous to child health, OSA. However, this meant that in general, the typical sweets like cake, ice cream, pizza and even starchy foods such as potatoes were off limits.

The mother constantly had to remember the doctor's words, OSA, aÌ that allowing her daughter to remain overweight at a young age would ultimately cause more long-term damage. Indeed, failing to take care of our health at any level can lead to the development of a number of serious medical conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and even cancer.

Yet despite a diet product industry booming and increasingly aware of the importance that our weight can affect our health, an attitude of apathy, defeat and even defense has been adopted by many Americans regarding the terms, Äúoverweight, and Âu Äúobese., at

preventive measures are generally overlooked by too many Americans. This is a travesty when the potential life-saving tests like, say, a mammogram or colonoscopy is considered. Reform Act of health care plans to change this trend by appointing some preventive health care services to be administered free of charge to insurance companies.

When you think about it, neglecting to take advantage of the new law (political preferences aside) and take risks with your health that could end up being fatal is totally senseless. Further exacerbating the problem is the cost factor; medical expenses tend to increase for the general population as more people are diagnosed with serious diseases that place a financial burden on the health care system.

If the cost of health insurance has been a concern for you in the past and kept you seek out, we encourage you to reconsider. The majority of carriers, it is possible to find affordable health insurance that is always full.

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