New York law aimed to Ease Life End healthcare decisions

5:11 PM
New York law aimed to Ease Life End healthcare decisions -

hospital It is never easy when someone one has an incurable disease. That's why New York Legislature recently passed a bill requiring doctors who treat ill patients to provide them the right information about prognosis and options for the terminal end of life care. This includes palliative care, the management of aggressive pain, and other processing of maintenance of life is possible.

The new law, called the Law of New York Palliative Care Information, is designed to ensure that terminal patients are informed of all their health care options and legal rights.

The report The New York Times , some patients choose aggressive treatment when they are sick while others prefer to have adequate comfort care when they know that their lives are in come to an end. Many people accept their fate when told the truth and would rather their pain instead of trying to prolong their lives.

Studies have shown that when people discover their conditions are terminal they "t usually suffer from severe emotional stress. But they do when they haven" t been informed of their conditions for ending talks life and take the treatment until the last days of their lives.

The law also seeks to encourage physicians to be honest with terminal patients as it can also reduce patients' unnecessary and costly to try kinds of treatments. Many patients prefer to take advantage of health services palliative which are covered by Medicare, which is also cheaper than the aggressive treatment in hospitals.

many still believe that doctors and nurses should be specially trained for the end of life situations so that they can properly hold discussions with patients and inform them of their situations.

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