The largest Medicare fraud case Goes to Court

10:17 PM
The largest Medicare fraud case Goes to Court -

jail On 10 July 2010, 94 people were indicted in the most large Medicare fraud bust ever made. The bust was in five states and totaled $ 251 million.

The doctors and nurses through Miami, New York, Detroit, Houston and Baton Rouge were arrested. They were accused of falsely billing Medicare for using the necessary equipment, home health care, physical therapy, medical equipment and HIV treatment for patients who never received them.

Brooklyn Two doctors who were involved have been accused of paying patients with the money to get them to sign for unnecessary treatments. According to Kaiser Health News , the group billed Medicare for $ 72 million and received $ 46.9 million in refunds. This is only a system unveiled in the bust of fraud, while fourteen other defendants are detained for separate regimes in Brooklyn.

The arrests came as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, held the first of a series of regional summits on care health fraud prevention in Miami, Florida.

Since the reform of health care and this new push to crack down against Medicare fraud has been triggered - more and more cases of Medicare fraud are emerging. This shows that there may be a stop at the Medicare fraud and that more must be done to control the billions of dollars wasted against fraud.

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