New head of Medicare reception Still Criticism

9:16 PM
New head of Medicare reception Still Criticism -

uscapitol2 Dr. Donald M. Berwick, the new head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was appointed two weeks ago and the appointment continues to receive criticism. The appointment was made by President Barack Obama while Congress was away on recess.

There are not yet had a confirmation hearing for Dr. Berwick and he probably won y "t be a confirmation hearing took place as Democrats in the Senate still needs a set

Since his appointment, Dr. Berwick has not made any public comments and the white House has refused interviews for him. - leaving Americans with some ideas for what it will do to the future of Medicare and Medicaid.

the appointment of Dr. Berwick is essential to the implementation of the reform of health care. But since he was appointed at recess, it will be only the new position 18 months without confirmation by Congress the New York Times .

Senator Orrin G. Hatch said, "Dr. Berwick has a great reputation as a pediatrician, but he 's made some of the most bizarre statements I "ve heard in years. The Democrats' decision not to go through the regular confirmation process, when they have 59 votes in the Senate, shows they are afraid of his philosophy displayed to the public. "

Dr. Berwick is known for his praise in the British national health care system. Surprisingly, there have been recent news that the Great Britain plans to decentralize health care system because the costs are too high and wait times for care are too long.

As Dr. Berwick expected to make public announcements and its audience continues confirmation stall the game and the criticism will continue to fall. It will fund health care for one in three Americans, and Americans deserve to know who represents their health care.

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