Other companies Waiver Request on limited health insurance policy benefits

1:07 PM
Other companies Waiver Request on limited health insurance policy benefits -

redflags As the controversy still surrounds the application McDonald "for a waiver on their mini-med plans and limited benefits, more companies are asking the same waiver. US restaurants require mini-med plans that provide health insurance to 1.4 million in part-time minimum wage employee to be exempt from the reform of health care provisions.

health insurance CIGNA also request a waiver for customers as limited benefits Bloomberg News .

many limited benefit plans may not meet the medical loss ratio (MLR) requirements that will force companies to spend 80 to 85 percent of premiums on health care spending. Restaurants face extremely high turnover rate and the paperwork is costly for these health insurance plans with limited benefits.

But as more companies require a waiver, Senator Jay Rockefeller calls BCS Insurance Group, which provides limited benefits plans for McDonald's, "to provide five years of data detailing the premiums, the amount spent on medical care and the number of workers who received annual ceilings on benefits.

movement is somewhat surprising that McDonald s "for the lifting and not the health insurance company. And medical loss ratios are still to be defined so that it is preemptive to ask Senator data.

The letter that Senator Rockefeller sent said, "your business is apparently spending a significantly lower percentage of McDonald" s employee 's health care premiums on medical care "than what is required by reforming health care.

It is guaranteed that the policy will continue to surround the last obstacle to reform health care.

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