Launched program to save lives and health care

2:57 PM
Launched program to save lives and health care - Cut Costs

emergencyroom2 Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS ) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced a new program to help save lives and reduce costs. The program, which was created by the reform of health care, will invest $ 1 billion to reduce errors and hospital readmissions in the coming years.

ABC News reports that a new study showed that nearly one of three hospital visits become an injury related hospital. hospital errors include cases where patients get infections or errors committed by various nosocomial health care providers. Health experts do not believe that the errors of the hospital are more frequent but hospitals use better methods for reporting errors.

Program goals include reducing preventable injuries up to 40 percent and reduce preventable readmissions to 20 percent by 2013.

By achieving these two objectives up to 63,000 lives and $ 35 billion would be saved on the cost of health care over 10 years.

Secretary Sebelius said: "Americans go to the hospital to get well, but millions of patients are injured because of complications and avoidable accidents. Working closely with hospitals, doctors, nurses, patients, families and employers, we will support efforts to help maintain patient safety, improve care and reduce costs. By working together, we can eliminate avoidable harm to patients. "

health care systems will sign a commitment to help HHS achieve these goals and improve the quality of care.

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