health insurance purchases ... a hospital?

10:29 PM
health insurance purchases ... a hospital? -

You may soon be able to purchase health insurance coverage from a hospital. Yes, you heard right. A number of hospitals across the country are preparing to launch their own health insurance plans, and some are nominated for participation in health insurance exchanges in the state as well.

The trend is not entirely new. According to the American Hospital Association, in 2010 about 10 percent of community hospitals owned or part owned systems, health plans. Of the 100 executives of hospitals that responded to a 2011 survey by the Health Research firm Co advisory board, 20 percent expressed intentions to market an insurance plan.

hospital systems overburdened Why would take responsibility for additional services or products? They made two compelling incentives to do - cost savings and survival in the wake of the reform of health care

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), payments of hospitals by Medicare will be cut .. Additionally, hospitals expect their share of reimbursement of expenses that insurers pay for specific services also decrease. In addition, the payment system itself was marked by some as defective, and was held partly responsible for rising health care costs.

The initiative is also spearheading the purpose of providing hospitals with a clear vision of their members. These data are important because it allows them to detect and treat problems early, better manage patients and avoid duplication. To get direct access to these data, hospitals need to provide their own insurance plans.

Some hospitals are taking a more conservative approach, such as partnerships with insurers, in some cases, jointly sell a health plan built around the system. Others are striking reimbursement covers insurers that reward to provide more effective care.

Whatever the approach, it becomes clear that hospitals will have to adapt to the transformation that the ACA will inevitably bring to the health care system overall. The changes began in 2010, but are due to peak in 2014, when most of the provisions come into force.

Want to buy your hospital health insurance coverage or buy a hospital plan through an insurance exchange illness?

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