Percentage of group health plans that cover specific medical services [INFOGRAPHIC]

11:54 AM
Percentage of group health plans that cover specific medical services [INFOGRAPHIC] -


GoHealth created an infographic to visually demonstrate the percentage of group health plans that fully cover certain medical services.

The Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health and Social Services recently released a report indicating which services are covered by health insurance plans sponsored by employers.

The report stresses that all non-group health insurance plans are created equal. Even if an employer offers health insurance plan for employees - does not mean that all health care services will be included in the plan.

Some services that are not fully covered by all group plans include visits to the emergency room, maternity care, and physical therapy. This is especially important for women considering pregnancy in the future. Free maternity care, women do not receive the benefit of prenatal care, and they can expect.

Consumers who are not satisfied with their group plan can find coverage in the individual health insurance market. But it is still important for consumers to match the benefits and costs to understand what and how much is covered.

Click below to view the full image.

group health plans cover specific medical services

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