Future of health care costs is dark as diabetes rates increase to

10:04 PM
Future of health care costs is dark as diabetes rates increase to -

peardiet A new report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that cases of diabetes may increase to 100 or even 0 percent by the time 2050 rolls around. The report states that as many 1 in 3 US adults could suffer from the disease in 40 years.

However, it "s good news mixed with the announcement that diabetics are living longer because of improved glycemic control and medication. People are also diagnosed with the disease earlier.

One reason for the expected increase is because Hispanics and African Americans populations are growing across the country and they are more susceptible to the disease. the increase in overweight Americans is also the cause more Americans to be diabetic.

diabetes should be taken seriously because it is the leading cause of kidney failure, amputations and blindness in adults in the nation . it also leads to many strokes and heart attacks and is now associated with certain types of cancer, lung disease and dementia.

many medical experts believe one way to fight against diabetes implement policies and programs to prevent diabetes and obesity at all levels, starting in schools.

It is estimated that diabetes is costing the nation $ 174 billion a year by year, with $ 116 billion of that going directly to medical expenses. The American Diabetes Association believes that this figure could double over the next 20 years - a growing cause of concern for many health insurance companies and experts in health care.

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