25 Oddball Interview Questions

7:50 PM
25 Oddball Interview Questions -

oddball What is the off-the-wall interview question you ever have asked or been asked? Each year Glassdoor a list of the Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions. Some of the questions and answers, you could be surprised.

Here are Glassdoor Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions for 2014 and provided some of the best answers.

Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions for the year 2014, the glass door

1. "If you could throw a parade of all calibres by Zappos office, what kind of parade, it would be?" --The Zappos Family

Best answer: "The making of Ferris Bueller Off"

2. "How happy are you and why? " --Airbnb

Best answer: "I am so happy that life has led me to this interview opportunity"

3. "If They were a pizza deliveryman how you would benefit from a pair of scissors? " "It can be would keep me running.": --apple

Best Answer

4. "If you could sing a song on American Idol, what would it be?" --Red Frog Events

Best answer: "Theme Song 'Mission Impossible'"

5. "Are you more of a hunter or a collectors? " --Dell

Best answer: "I am a collector of new ideas and a hunter of old obsolete ones."

6. "If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you take?" --Yahoo

Best answer:

7 "If you had a box of cereal, what would" water, fire and music. " be you, and why? " --Bed Bath & Beyond

Best answer: ". The chances are good, I would be cardboard Because that is what cereal boxes are usually made.."

8. "Did you believe in Big Foot?" --Norwegian Cruise Line

Best answer: "I am inclined to say no, but I'm pretty hairy and have big feet. "

9. "Why is a tennis ball out of focus?" --Xerox

Best answer: "To make it nicer."

10. "What's Your Least what about humanity?" --ZocDoc

Best answer: "Inane Interview Questions"

11. "How would you use Yelp to the number of companies in the find USA? " --Factual

Best answer: "Ask Siri"

12. "How honest are you?" - Allied Telesis

Best answer: "100% honest, lied only once in my life.-Now"

13. "How many square pizza is eaten in the US each year? " --Goldman Sachs

Best answer: "All of them."

14. "Can someone explain how to make an origami" cootie catcher "with just words?" --Living Social

Best answer: "First step: find a 7 year old girl Step two:. Ask them,"

15 .. "If you are 80 years old, what would you say your children?" --McKinsey & Company

Best answer: "My Lawn Get down!"

16. "You are a new addition to the chalk box, what color do you and why?" --Urban Decorator

Best answer: "I can be any color, I just want to be sharp."

17. "How does the Internet?" --Akamai

Best answer: "hamster wheel"

18. "If it produced a film about your life that you would play , and why?" --single Platform

Best answer: "Steve Martin would make me look good, it will do"

19. "What's the color of money "--American Heart Association

Best answer:" is a 80-film about pool hustlers staring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise "


20. "What was the last gift you gave somebody?" --Gallup

Best answer: ".. At that moment the gift of my company please choose me."

21. "What is the funniest thing you has happened lately? " --Applebee Des

Best answer: ". When applying for a pizza delivery person, was a question of how I could benefit from a pair of scissors"

22. "How many snow shovels sold in the US last year?" --TASER

Best answer: ".. No I have a snow shovel to fulfill able to sell everything"

23. " It's Thursday, we'll staffing on a telecommunications project in Calgary, Canada on Monday your flight and hotel are booked ;. your visa is ready What are the top five things you do before you leave.? " --ThoughtWorks

Best answer: "Why do I need to do to obtain a visa in Canada?"

24. "I describe the wear process and the benefits a seat belt." --Active Network

Best answer: "Process: First & Foremost sit down and buckle round your stomach take and safely lock it into the socket Pros: .. chances Death, serious injuries dramatically low ".

25 "Have you ever been on a boat" --Applied systems

Best answer: "Yes, I have, unfortunately, been . it on it a tiger Luckily I sold the film rights "

source: glass door

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