How do I find my health insurance premium and tax credit calculated?

1:32 PM
How do I find my health insurance premium and tax credit calculated? -

The health insurance marketplaces are open for enrollment and you may be wondering what your health insurance premium and tax credit becomes. Or if you're a small business owner acceptance are employer-funded individual health insurance, you may be wondering how much to pay employees for health insurance.

One way to do this is to do it quickly, with the updated Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) computer. Here's a look at the updated 2015 computer and a breakdown of how to use it.

Calculate Health Insurance Premium

Health Insurance Premium and Tax Credit Calculator

KFF health insurance Store computer gives you an estimate of what you pay for health insurance and the likelihood that your eligibility for a premium tax receives credit for 2015, you can estimate your health premium tax credits and all in one place.

calculate how the health insurance premium and taxes for borrowing calculator

First, go to the kff .org place to find the computer . Once you're there, you enter some basic personal information and click Submit when you are done. The data you enter will be included:

  • State
  • Zip code
  • household income
  • Whether job-based coverage is available (y / n)
  • total number of people in your family
  • number and age of the adults in the family
  • number and age of children in the family
  • tobacco consumption (y / n)

Tip: be sure to give all the information as accurately as possible for the best results, including your household [1945007(calculatestheMAGI)] income

example -. $ 48,000 / year Earning [1945003HieristeinBlickaufeineKrankenversicherungPrämieundSteuergutschriftSchätzungfüreineFamiliemitdreiPersoneninArkansasleben$48000/Jahr]

earning family in Arkansas.


Example - Young Adult Utah profit $ 20,000 / year

here's a look at a health premium and tax credit estimate for a 21-year-old lives in Utah to earn $ 20,000 / year ,


A quick glance at the results

in the first example above would the family of three in Arkansas about $ 314 pay / month ($ 3762 / year) for a silver plan, a premium tax credit receipt $ 351 / month (4217 $ / year) . Without financial assistance, the Silver plan would be significantly more at $ 665 / month cost ($ 7979 / year), or 52% more.

In the second example above, a single young adults in Utah would pay about 84 $ / month ($ 1002 / year) for a silver plan, a bonus tax receives credit of 83 $ / month (1002 $ / year). Without financial help would be the Silver plan $ 167 / month (04 $ / year), or 50% longer

. Tip: The calculator uses average premium cost estimates for the zip code and data entered. The actual cost of the exact plan and reporting selected vary.

Other levels of coverage

Remember that there are also other levels of coverage. The different levels include Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum - and catastrophic plans. In addition, an estimate for a Silver plan for deployment, provides the computer also an estimate for a bronze plans.

Following the same examples of Arkansas could family purchase a lower cover Bronze plan and pay on $ 154 / month ($ 1854 / year) .

The only young adults in Utah could acquire a Bronze plan for about 50 / month $ ($ 597 / year).

as you begin to examine Summary

, which cover you need as an individual or as a family or if you are a small companies are looking, the cost of employer-funded individual health, the updated KFF calculator is to calculate a fast and simple tool.

What questions do you have on how to calculate your health premium and tax credit in 2015? Leave a comment below, and we will help to answer them.

Employer-Funded Individual Health Insurance Worksheets

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