know 5 things about the 2015 Health Insurance Market

3:46 PM
know 5 things about the 2015 Health Insurance Market -

, approaching the holidays, the season of the window Shopping has begun. And gifts are not the only thing the consumer is looking for in the next few weeks - the consumers start window shopping for health insurance, too. This week drew the curtains consumer to allow a look at what is offered in health insurance marketplaces. So what is new with the market this year? Here are five things to know. 5 Things to Know about the Health Insurance Marketplaces in 2015

1. enrollment to 13 grow Million

In 2014, more than seven million people bought health insurance plans through the marketplaces, and the percentage of uninsured Americans, it is the lowest ever staged - 13.4% in the 2nd quarter of 2014.

What can we expect for 2015? The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that enrollment will grow to 13 million. More people are buying than ever individual health insurance.

2. Individual Mandate Penalty Goes Up

But what about those who still choose not to get health insurance? For 2014, persons who do not have coverage either have to pay 1% of their annual household income or $ 95 per person for the year ($ 47.50 per child under 18 years) - the ever amount is greater.

is this also apply to 2015?

  • [:JaunddieeinzelnengemeinsameVerantwortungGebührenerhöhungenimJahr2015PersonendieimJahr2015keineDeckunghabenundnichtqualifizierenfüreineFreistellungwirdderhöherederzuzahlen 2% of annual household income, or
  • $ 325 a person for the year ($ 162.50 per child under 18 years)

the fee in 2015 to increase, most will find it less expensive to buy affordable coverage when it is to pay the fee.

. 3 Car registration

If you have cover already and do not want to again go through the entire application process this year there is an automatic registration option available. This new option makes reprofiling for the consumer easy, and it is also website traffic during the admission of members freely.

but say that some people who going to help choose automatic enrollment may be surprised with premium changes. In order to avoid increases surprise bonus, contact them to see the market through changes in the personal to update budgetary or financial details, and shop around, whether the new plans better suited to be available for your financial or healthcare needs.

4. premium tax credits

For those with moderate incomes (individuals and families whose annual household income is between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level) Premium -Steuergutschriften available.

[1945006fürdiemeistenAmerikaner] significantly reduce the cost of health insurance premium tax credits. In 2014, 87% of those who receive a health plan selected premium tax credits and paid on average $ 82 / month only.

5. Expect a few glitches

Finally, although many of problem has been resolved, experts warn that in this period enrollment year not be free of interference. The good news is, there are measures that the 2015 Health Insurance Market will run more smoothly, to ensure taken. And whatever is the result when open enrollment in a few days begins the interference to be expected and hiccups should be nowhere near those of 2014


These five things will help to know what to expect in the coming weeks, as consumers begin to buy or renew their market health plans. What do you see how the health insurance market to open next week? Let us know in the comments below.

Guide to Open Enrollment
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