The sharing Revolution - It's more than just the first two times the value for half the cost

12:19 PM
The sharing Revolution - It's more than just the first two times the value for half the cost -

In the release economy, entrepreneurs use information technology to create new, better and sometimes not regulated distribution methods. This usually results in consumer halve the costs and / or to obtain double the value on everything from a taxi ride to the accommodations.

But the sharing economy is about more than just improving the economy. It is a true revolution, everything changed-how we work, how we travel, what we eat, where we sleep, everything! That is why I am sharing revolution the most important change is calling in our life since the 19th century, when the automobile affordable for the creation of roads, hotels out, eat and suburbs.

My 3 day experience with Uber in Los Angeles

My wife and I recently three days in Los Angeles without spent automotive despite 12 different wedding events and business meetings within 20 mile radius of the airport LAX participate.

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we Uber to connect our cell phones with the drivers that took us where we wanted in luxury vehicles, 5 minute showed after we texted them. Our overall Uber 3 Day cost was about $ 11 each way-far less $ 150 and 450 $ we could have spent to pay $ 60 / day for a rental car, $ 42 / day for hotel parking, $ 40 for gas and $ 100 or more for parking garages. But the main value of Uber use was not the financial savings. With Uber was so much easier, better and faster than we drive itself and for parking in hunting or with traditional taxis and limousines.

This is what we expect from our new sharing economy where technology to reduce the cost and increase the value of everything we buy. But what we did not expect to find a community of Uber provider all, different types of driver-the far more value than the $ 45 to get $ 50 per hour we were told they drive earned (net of costs) for Uber ,

Each driver had a different story about why he was a businessman working with Uber. Here are three of their stories, and then I will explain the greater impact on our economy. For readers who are not with Uber, the actual e-mail receipts every drive attached, even though I have changed the driver name, to protect their privacy.

driver Joseph us in a new Lexus SUV took from our hotel to a Dim Sum restaurant- click here to get a copy of the $ 8.85 bill, containing 20% ​​tip. When we met LA traffic, Joseph asked us if he differ from the Uber-provided GPS software and take an alternate route. I asked him how he knew LA as well, and he told me that he lived all his life near Santa Monica neighborhood, where I knew the houses at $ 1 million starts. I asked him why he was driving for Uber, if he did not need the money. He told me he was divorced and that was his weekend without his children: Whenever he lonely he rose Uber would turn and go for a while, to meet new people and to explain his favorite places in his city for visitors. He did not like a job for Uber ride as he could, and would, turn it off at any time, he wanted to do something else.

driver Konstantin took us click here for a copy of the $ 11.22 Reception Center in Beverly learning. In his Prius from our hotel to our newest Zaniac Hills- Constantine told us this was the first day of his life in Los Angeles. He had for a mini-vacation vacation much more fun last night alone came through his his "work" (Uber) to consult with him. Its not to be familiar with LA did not affect us not as the uber-supplied GPS and mobile by-turn Turn-told him where to go.

driver Roger has us in his Chevrolet sedan from our hotel back to airport LAX click here for a copy of the receipt $ 22.22, which also contain a bonus. The hotel limousine had charged us for the same trip $ 139 without tip, and a taxi would have cost about $ 65th I asked the driver Roger us his Uber story about the 25-minute drive to share the airport. Roger had 50 discovered at the age that he wanted to be an artist, but he needed $ 0 cash on the day to earn his rent and food. He would get up every morning and go for Uber from 8.00 to 12.15 o'clock only until it $ 0 to be deleted in the profit after paying for gas and 20% Uber-and then he would spend the afternoon painting in his Studio. On some days, when he woke up early, he would start at 6:00 PM. In those early days, he would at 08.00 very hungry, and he liked to eat slowly, so he would then simply his Uber off the phone and go to a leisurely breakfast until he returned was on the way ready. He was disciplined over just enough work $ 0 to delete a day before back in his studio.

The sharing economy is about much more than just a lower price get

could go I go on and on about how much these and hundreds more provider I in our new sharing economy have seen their enjoy "to work." Last summer my family rented large houses in Jerusalem, Israel in June, and in Coronado, California in July -For much less than the price of a hotel. But the real value for us were the sharing homeowners who helped us plan our holiday activities sharing with us their favorite kosher restaurants and surfing sites.

At a recent staff meeting in my ski town, I asked my staff if anyone had tried AirBnB, a virtual hotel company, people rent unused rooms in their homes helps. A young woman, 25 years, told me that they rented for $ 70 off the couch in her studio apartment / night, sometimes their whole $ 750 / month to pay enough rent Clearing. I asked her if she was worried about her safety by renting to strangers. She explained that she rented mostly to recent graduates of Oberlin College, she was a graduate student log itself and on the college website would the bona fides of a potential host to check. How many graduates of the oldest conservatory of the nation, she was a musician and enjoyed jamming or concerts with their paying guests participate. The financial details are inconvenient for them because AirBnB as Uber, a currency exchange for each transaction-holding funds until the seller accepts and verify the customer that all are satisfied.

The sharing Revolution vs The Sharing Economy

While most of the early players in the sharing economy started at a lower price providing a service, the billion dollar success stories have come from suppliers better service sometimes even without a provision Lower price. How tied in the article on the sharing economy for this blog post:

The sharing economy is mostly about sharing the prize for halving what you want to buy, but the release of Revolution to share, is to double the value of everything you own in the first place already. You get both with sharing effectively 400% compared to only a 0% increase in economic value.

What in the sharing revolution next

If you are a regular reader of this blog or my books, your entrepreneurial spirit probably racing with how to use this new information technology to improve everything. Here are a few examples:

Medical House Calls - Suppose your child wakes up not feeling well, and you do not know whether to keep them from school to home. How would you like to be able to get an affordable house call by a licensed physician or a nurse practitioner with free time, which is just minutes away. Or, if you are a doctor yourself how how did you $ 100- $ 0 per hour someone in your own neighborhood to help out on your own time to make

Food Entrepreneur -. My partner Rick Lindquist believes the next big thing in the sharing economy will be an Uber-like software platform that turns a house into a take-out food. A foodie entrepreneurs would create their daily menu with pictures, the amount and availability. use customers and suppliers would Smartphones and home computer to make the purchase online and watching the vendors in real-time drive to the delivery to the customer's home, or the customer watching trip to the house foodie entrepreneurs for pickup.

Plumbing - Suppose you need a plumber in 15 minutes or less a leak to fix? How would you like to get a licensed plumber you agree to meet in 10 minutes while you run over to see him on your phone on an Uber-like App to your home. This recently happened to me when I called for a plumber at 9:00 Sunday night and we saw him on my Smartphone to our house take

Math Tutor -. Suppose your child, and you understand, can not his math homework, and it's the night before a final exam? How would you get it like show an "approved" local math tutor in 10 minutes at the front door or less

Restaurant Table -. Suppose you want a restaurant willing to give you a free table to sell 50% off, but only if you guarantee that you will arrive in 10 minutes, and that you spend at least $ 15 per person. How would you like to see all the seats available in the vicinity. If you are a restaurant owner, then it would not be nice to only give discount to approved regular customers, one at a time until you fill the tables you can not sell at full price.

success when exchanging large version requires along with a great idea

Note that a keyword in many Sharing Success Stories "approved" - tested and both the service -provider and rated by customers. Uber, AirBnB, and hundreds more sharing success stories are not only companies with a good idea, they are companies with great execution of their ideas, the complete transparency and outstanding customer service.

Traditional suppliers of goods and services are the most to gain or lose, in the sharing revolution

, the original core competence of providers as Uber was not their technology, it was their knowledge of what the end-use customer wanted -Knowledge they had often, because they started as a traditional provider before the release has Revolution.

Uber started as a traditional business black car sedans that rented their vehicles owned and only drivers with a commercial driving license. Uber developed its proprietary GPS-based, transparent-on-both-sides software as a better way to high-end sedan to serve customers who were often worried they would miss their flight. But then Uber recognized was the greater opportunity to develop their software to license its competitors, and expand the list of potential competitors all the way down to a single driver with an ordinary vehicle. Today Uber gets her regulated traditional city car business with licensed, uniformed chauffeurs "Over Black" and its non-regulated business "Uber X. Both Uber X and Uber Black use drivers whose backgrounds have been tested extensively and automatically suspend drivers whose consumer reviews Average less than 4.5 to 5.0 point scale.

Uber, governed by both the (black car) and unregulated (software) to his business at the same time is capable of all types of customers in different serving regulated markets-and their bets in locations hedge where the traditional taxi provider capable of municipalities or inspectors to manipulate to prune one side of their business.

I am of a possible regulatory challenge one of the companies that I have begun to improve employer provided health benefits. as with Uber Black and Uber X we regulated and unregulated (software) solutions for each of our clients develop for themselves to choose.

Zane Benefits provides regulated and unregulated health care solutions for employers


As explained in " The end of employer-provided health insurance "by Paul Zane Pilzer and Rick Lindquist (Wiley Press, 2014), individual health insurance coverage be purchased on a state of Exchange, are now much better, and much cheaper, provided as a cover of employer group health plans. But some employers and their group health insurance broker, do not want you to know this for several reasons. Employers need healthy employees in their group plan for unhealthy employees and employers with more than 50 employees pay a $ 2,000 fine for each employee to pay, on an Exchange (Health Insurance Marketplace).

their own individual health insurance buys

In 06, I began Zane Benefits, Inc. has paid permanent individual health insurance to employees for tax free by the employer. After the company was presented on the front page of The Wall Street Journal in 07, we heard from thousands of employers want us to provide for their employees individual health insurance. But our solution was not for everyone, because at that time, was not in 45 states individual health insurance for workers with pre-existing medical conditions. The 2014 changed, provided as Care individual health insurance for all employees available, regardless of medical conditions and existing at a heavily subsidized price of 60% was typically 20% less group coverage provided as an employer.

When Care made our product is universally some traditional provider of group health insurance made angry for all US employers and employees, but also in loss of customers. This traditional providers fear to think some potential customers that she was not allowed to give tax-free contributions to employees to purchase their own individual strategies. So, at Zane Benefits, we now offer regulated solutions that comply with ObamaCare market reforms, and we offer solutions that are outside of Obamacare, where employees enter their employee taxable income, wages to help as, pay for individual health insurance ,

Regulatory challenges will not stop sharing Revolution

"on résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées "
(Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come.) - Victor Hugo (1802 -1885)

Currently, the taxi industry is a losing battle with Uber fight, is the hotel industry a losing battle with AirBnB fight, and the group health insurance industry is a losing battle with Zane fighting benefits. These lose battles because ultimately the consumer will prevail. Consumers want a better ground transportation, consumer better want accommodation, and consumers want better health insurance and thousands of other goods and services that can be greatly improved by the underlying technology sharing economy.

Dowload a Book Sample - The End of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

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