Small Biz 101: What is health insurance

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Small Biz 101: What is health insurance -

Perhaps you are just to open your small business (,! how exciting), or maybe you now have been for a few years at it - whatever may be the case, it is important to know which health insurance and understand for your small business. We have shaved the majority of health insurance and to know the left with what is important.

health insurance shortly  Small Biz 101: What is Health Insurance?

We know that health insurance is not just a one-liner kind of theme. However, the simplest definition of health goes something like this: A type of insurance coverage that pays for your medical and surgical costs. This is not so bad, right?

Now we want to relate it to something as an example. You can like car insurance remember. Buy car insurance, so that in case of an accident, your vehicle can be mounted without having to pay a large amount. Health insurance works similar to this only you are to insure themselves, not a vehicle. Buy health insurance, so that in case of injury, can be fixed and not have to pay too much.

terms that you need to know

Before we go into the types of health insurance that you can offer your employees, are five main terms are that important to know how you are different health insurance is considering. Here they are:

Health Insurance Premium: is your premium what you pay monthly installments to be as a health insurance

deductible .: This is the amount you must pay for covered services before your insurance will begin to pay. They affect the price of your insurance premium to pay

Co-Pay: .. There is a flat dollar amount you pay your doctor for Covered Service

Co-insurance: to pay the share of allowable charges for covered services, you are obliged

Out. -Of Bag Premium :. This is the maximum amount of money for covered services you pay (for example, over the course of a year)

during a performance period types of health insurance

Now that you know which health insurance is, and you know, some important keywords, let's get into the two main types of health insurance.

group health insurance: A group insurance by a person (or a family member) is purchased indirectly by the individual (or family member) employer. Group health insurance is dependent on a person (or family member) employment and is usually:

  • expensive

  • restrictive, and

  • fragile.

individual health insurance: individual health insurance is a policy directly from one person purchased and their families, based on personal needs and budget. Individual health insurance offers buyers with:

  • affordability,

  • election, and

  • savings.

What's the best your employees to offer?

Compared side by side, group health insurance does not allow employees to choose the plan that suits them best, and it is expensive. In fact, because of the high cost of group health insurance, only 50% of small businesses, they offer their employees.

Individual health insurance is 20 to 60% less expensive as group health insurance. Plus you and your employees will be able to choose the plan that suits you best, that is portable. In addition, individual health insurance allows employees premium tax credits (if authorized) to use -. To the their monthly health insurance premiums even cheaper

know what health insurance is that you can make informed decisions about allowing what your employees to offer. Hopefully we have health enough to know simplifies what is best for you and your employees.

Click here for a closer look at how you can go to the individual health insurance, here.

what questions you have about what is health insurance? Comment below, we would be pleased to answer your questions.

Individual Health Insurance for Employees - Download the eBook

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