Is your recruitment strategy works for your practice?

2:21 PM
Is your recruitment strategy works for your practice? -

keep up with current setting strategies for your practice can be difficult, because the world Is Your Hiring Strategy Working for Your Dental Practice? as we know it is constantly changing - especially in this technological age. In addition, the change for many people is difficult. But there must be a way to keep up with current recruitment strategies, is not there? This article looks to help bring your dental office setting strategies in the 21st century with specific strategies.

The horse and buggie Analogy

I just can imagine it now, the first time someone saw a car - " What kind of a thing and do you think that will have my horse and carriage replace right? - "Although the can over my dead body not have been exactly how it happened, the fact is that people are not big changes in general enjoy!. The same applies to the small business world also. And just as the horse and cart had become obsolete and were replaced by cars, are strategies for your practice setting eventually out-of-date. Which begs the question, what is your recruitment strategy to work?

Hiring not The can be hard, can it?

to relation, for example, for the automotive and horse and carriage return, let's be honest, bring new innovations new challenges, is not it? When people first started to drive cars, they were to feed and maintain used horses, so they had to learn what it means to check the oil, fill with petrol and general maintenance of a motor vehicle. Similarly, you can get the latest and best setting Strategies for your dental practice.

The latest and greatest Hiring Strategies in 2015 to learn

Now you are wondering what the latest and greatest recruitment strategies are not true ? In 2015, the most effective strategies come from a combination of technology and face-to-face interaction. Here is a list of strategies you can start today:

Interact online and face-to-face Nowadays technology is to achieve a very effective way potential , Candidates. You can use Facebook, Twitter, and to recruit even Youtube top talent for your dental practice. However, it is important to remember that while a candidate can be attractive on social media, they can not have the face-to-face social skills you are looking for. Make sure that you have a face-to-face interaction with them as early in the process as possible.

Try the old-school approach as well. In other words, if your recruitment strategy is not working for your dental practice, try to find the tried and true method to go to a local dental school candidates. This is one of the quickest ways to find top talent candidates who are willing to work and driven.

If the shoe fits, wear it! About each candidate analysis is counterproductive. Once you and your staff know the candidate is a good fit, they bring on board. If the traditional mantra "hire slow, fire fast" could follow valuable time with the position go unfilled or lose the candidate to another company waste, which is ready to rent.

A company that rents together stays together. Many dental practices begin together to rent, rather than individually. Usually one person interviews and employees - but with this strategy, your entire dental office receives the candidates and decides who together learn.

Give 'em all you've got. The candidates want to see that you care about your dental office staff. So what is the best way to show it? offer great advantages . If you offer fringe benefits, paid time off, affordable health benefits , etc. You can use this to make your dental practice more attractive to applicants. Plus, are great advantages help you to keep your current employees and

Set a goal for 2015 :. Adoption of a new recruitment strategies

If your current setting strategies are for you dental practice does not work, make a goal for 2015 to adopt new. Moreover, if what work you do now, you can only gain from the new practices, is not it?

write down your goals and go over it with your employees. In this way, they are all responsible and motivate each other to stay on the objectives can be set.


We have gone beyond what it needs to hire for your dental practice smart. Now the question is, how to be in 2015 strategies work for your dental practice make the setting? Here is a brief summary:

  • , adapt to survive - implementation of the latest and greatest recruitment strategies

  • Get to identify a candidate on the screen and face-to-face

  • Do not be afraid of local dental schools to recruit

  • hire quickly and collectively

  • listing candidates and employees great benefits

  • Make it a recruitment strategy objective for 2015 and stick to it

click here to learn more about our free e-book "The Dental practice learning Guide for Human Resources."

Which strategies work well for your practice? We look forward to hearing your advice - comment below

Dental Practice's Guide to HR

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