Premium refund options - such as individual health Affordable

1:44 PM
Premium refund options - such as individual health Affordable - Make

Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) begins his second enrollment season, the Congressional budget Office has projected that more than twice as many Americans enroll in coverage than last year . In 2013, the CBO estimated that 6 million Americans would buy individual policies, with more than 8 million enrollment. This year, the CBO has these numbers adjusted upward, predicting that 13 million Americans enroll. Premium Reimbursement Options

Individual Health insurance

arise with individual insurance more mainstream, questions about how new insurance costs also will manage. enrolled for many Americans, payments to health insurance premiums are a new cost. have acquired Depending on plan premiums can create thousands of dollars in added annual burden.

The ACA was developed, but reserve with premium refund options in mind. Two key solutions exist to the price risk of health insurance premiums for individual policies.

premium refund option 1 Premium Tax Credits

Federal reduce premium tax credits, subsidies for those who in a health insurance exchange buy ( "Marketplace") individual health insurance. These tax credits reduce the cost of the cover (see the premium tax credit Graphics) . In 2014, 87% of people who buy a health plan through the marketplace which will receive a discount to pay on average $ 82 / month.

Eligibility for loans premium tax is based on family size and income. The subsidy cap to the cost of health insurance at 2% - 9.5% of household income if the household income is not more than 400% above the federal poverty level (FPL)

In addition. the premium tax credit can be applied at the time of purchase, reduce payments in real time or refunded after tax filing. For more information on the Rules and Conditions of premium tax credits surroundings, click here.

premium refund option 2 - Healthcare reimbursement plans

health reimbursement plans (HRPs ) give employers a tax-free solution for their employees to report premium costs. For self-employed or small businesses that send their employees healthcare exchange, this makes particular sense.

group health insurance is not an option for all employers, but that does not mean that health benefits offers off the table. With a § 105 healthcare reimbursement plan employers can allocate funds to reimburse premiums.

HRPs have the added advantage of being. With compatible are premium tax credits, which means that employees can receive subsidies to their premiums and refunded for the remaining amount As the employer contributions to group health plans, here the business is not obliged to cover any fixed amount of the premium. Employers can set the maximum you want to determine HRP reimburse and employees can enroll in a policy that meets their budget needs.

For those who pay monthly premiums for individual health insurance, or the pull enrolling into consideration in a plan, make sure that premium evaluate refund options. Many Americans are concerned that the switch will lead to individual health insurance increased from group out-of-pocket costs; However, this premium refund options mean that the actual costs can be largely mitigated for the policyholder.

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