Seven Tips for Hiring the Right Broker for Small Enterprises

9:52 PM
Seven Tips for Hiring the Right Broker for Small Enterprises -

seven-1 With Open Enrollment 2015 exactly one month away, many small businesses to explore their health insurance options. However, a decision on the health services can make it difficult, without proper guidance and education. Deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, advanced premium tax credits-- there are a lot of terms to know to make an informed decision.

While the individual health insurance marketplaces have it convenient to compare lightened health insurance options, many small business owners and their employees are not the selection of a program on their own. As open enrollment for 2015 approaches, it has been shown that employees and small businesses supporting agents for health insurance need advice. But how does a small business find the right broker? Here are seven tips.

Why small businesses should advice from a broker

A recent report from the Kaiser Family Foundation has shown that many people do not understand the way health insurance works. According to the report, consumers Äúmany basic concepts such as deductible works understand didn, Äôt or why premiums each month., AEU must be paid Additionally, Äúmany consumers had to understand difficulties ACA premium subsidies and cost-sharing. a reputable broker setting will help navigate the healthcare landscape small businesses and their employees.

A health insurance broker licensed can be very helpful to educate consumers about the different health insurance plans and options. In addition, they can help, whether their customers are eligible for premium tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies into account in the determination.

Since brokers are independent insurance and sale for more than one company, they can usually offer a variety options and a broad view of the market. Brokers will work with small businesses to assess the major insurance carrier in the range of plan designs and costs. Brokers are usually paid on behalf of the insurance companies. But some brokers instead of a flat fee by an employer to calculate how a payment based on the number of employees and covered months.

Tips for Hiring the Right Broker for Small Enterprises

1. Ask colleagues or colleagues for a referral

2. Ask if they have a firm understanding of healthcare reform and how it impacts small businesses

3. Ask about their business model. How are they paid? They receive commissions directly from the insurance company, or is there a flat rate? If there is a fee, as is so structured that fee?

4. Ask, be treated as renewals

5. Ask

6. Ask questions to understand for references from other small businesses

, which they offer services, what support they offer Äôll, and what kind of policies or benefits that they sell.

7. Inform yourself. About their areas of expertise or specialty What percentage of their business is made up of small businesses? What kind of insurance they provide?

Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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