How you can help employees to individual health insurance change

5:48 PM
How you can help employees to individual health insurance change -

Lately, there are a ton of media attention was the growing trend of small businesses around (with fewer than 50 employees) that get their employees to the individual health insurance market coverage, judge. As these employers are not subject to the employer mandate, they are no penalties for not expect group health insurance for their employees. Switching to Individual Health Insurance

With open enrollment for individual health insurance, now is fast approaching the perfect time to help enroll your employees in the individual health insurance. Because many people who have never purchased before their own health insurance, this may seem to be a bit overwhelming for them. Here is an overview of how to use the change to help your employees on individual health insurance.

is rising

The media was reporting on growing trend of small businesses and startups their employees individual health insurance is switched. Part of the motivation, the trend of the ride is skyrocketing group health insurance premiums for small businesses.

The other reason behind small businesses fall group health insurance many benefits, the individual health insurance has because of the Affordable Care Act. quote written Many of the articles about this trend that employees who are eligible for premium tax credits at the end pay similar contributions to their premiums as they have plans with their group health insurance.

Some who featured in the media employer a salary bump on employees offerering , the made to qualify for a lot of money for premium tax credits for to form the lost health benefits. While this may seem like an advantageous arrangement for both sides, there are several issues with this solution .

  • There is no guarantee that employees actually spend the money on health insurance with a scholarship.

  • The employer can lose with formal health benefits rather than top-tier candidates for employers. During a scholarship for candidates may be slightly in response, would prefer the most formal tax-advantaged health benefits program .

staff educate on the benefits of individual health insurance

If the employees to buy in the market switching health insurance, it is important to educate them about the benefits of individual health insurance. While individual health insurance plans are not new, new benefits manages the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which as well make individual health insurance - if not better - than the traditional group health insurance. The new benefits are:

  • Cover for a pre-existing conditions (employees can not be denied coverage or charged more due a disease).

  • cover essential health benefits (a core set of health benefits and services).

  • employees can keep their policies when changing jobs.

  • , the employee can choose the policy that best suits pay for her family, including the network of providers and level of coverage.

  • Individual health insurance costs less and employees come into question a premium tax credit , to assist them with the cost of monthly health insurance premiums.

see more information about the benefits of individual health insurance, this guide .

Tell employees where and when individual to purchase health insurance

When your group health insurance canceling, covers all that for a come into consideration special enrollment period for individual health insurance. That is, they are entitled to personal health insurance to buy outside the annual Open Enrollment period . to buy health insurance, is now easier than ever. You should employees that the individual health insurance can inform earned from:

  • The ACA Health Insurance Exchange ( "Market")

  • a licensed insurance agent or broker

  • direct from an insurance company

. Tip: to obtain health insurance access discounts (premium tax credits), employees must buy offered a plan of health insurance marketplace

Obviously Signup dates and deadlines

If a group health insurance cancel, you should informed the staff that they are eligible for a special enrollment period into consideration. The special enrollment period usually lasts 60 days after the qualifying event ( this product on special enrollment periods see ).

If your employees do not qualify for a special enrollment period, you should use the employee informed that , the annual open enrollment period for coverage in 2015 begins 15th November 2014 extending until 15 February 2015


provide additional support and time for questions

you should appoint a health care experts. to answer questions and provide additional support The skilled person may have planned answers for the most frequently asked questions about the transition to the individual health insurance. Keep additional resources willing to distribute employee, also a good idea for the needs of employees is expected.

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Download the eBook: How to Cancel Group Health Insurance
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