75% of employees prefer cash vs. Insurance

11:42 AM
75% of employees prefer cash vs. Insurance -

Imagine: What if clothing stores had a one-size -fits-all policy? What if diversity in the sizes do not exist? Would consumers with this in order to be? It is likely that most would not be. So, why this is the case for millions of Americans, when it comes to health insurance? to bring the health insurance plan best fits their situation and lifestyle, they have instead an employee to have stick with a one-size-fits-all plan often


However, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), lately many Americans say they prefer cash to health insurance. As such, a change in the health care industry take. Employers recognize that they do have the choice to offer their employees. Individual health insurance and premium refunds

A shift is happening in health care

according to a survey of KFF, in the last four years, the number micro employers offer group health insurance has declined from 59% in 2010 to 44% in 2014. However, this is not necessarily a new thing - the proportion of employer group health insurance has been declining for the past decade. This is due to the increase in the cost group health insurance to offer and because alternatives are readily available.

In fact, it is up to 60 percent of small businesses eliminate is estimated to traditional employer sponsored health insurance and offer employer-paid individual health insurance in the next three years. But how will the employees feel about this shift?

KFF found that 75% of employees of small employers currently do not work would provide health benefits $ 2 / hour more in wages than prefer health insurance. What does that mean? Employees want to dial. If an employee can choose cash for health insurance, you have the option to go the health insurance market and choose the plan that fits their situation best. This shift in the way too many employers ask employees leading think what options they have when it provide health benefits to their employees go.

What options are available

individual health insurance: Individual health insurance offers employees a choice. An employer can go to the health insurance market their employees and select a plan that suits you and your situation / lifestyle. Employers can then their employees a premium refund (see below).

premium refund: This simple concept allows employers to offer their employees an allowance to use on their individual health insurance premiums- rather as a contribution to a group Health insurance . The performance is determined by the employer and is much cheaper than a contribution to a health insurance group.

For more information: You wonder how you set up a premium reimbursement program? Click here to our free eBook for download. "Premium Refund - How to save 20% to 60% by employees for individual health insurance reimbursement of"

What are the advantages of the individual health insurance and premium refunds [

[? offers individual health insurance and premium refund is better for employees. It offers them choice, portability and the ability to use premium tax credits (if eligible) . In addition, individual health insurance plans in the average cost of up to 60% less than group health insurance plans.

employers and save. You will have happier employees, just because people love choice. Instead of a one-size-fits-all insurance health, employees have the option to choose what suits them best. Employers will also see a better retention rates and large health benefits to offer top talent to recruit.

What do you think about employees vs. Health prefer cash? Join the discussion and comment below!

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