Whiteboard Session - Why individual health insurance is better

12:31 PM
Whiteboard Session - Why individual health insurance is better -

Individual health insurance is now better for individuals, families and businesses. In this new Zane Benefits Whiteboard Session, JD Cleary ten reasons explained why the individual health insurance is better than group health insurance.

For reference, here is a snapshot of this board week:

Zane Benefits Whiteboard Session - Why Individual Health Insurance is Better

want to know more? Download this ebook "The 10 Reasons individual health insurance is better for you and your family."

Video Transcription

Welcome to another edition of Zane Benefits' whiteboard sessions. My name is JD Cleary. I am the sales manager here at Zane benefits I am to present really happy today's topic Ten reasons why the individual health insurance is better -.. better than group health insurance

So if you are a consumer in today's market or an entrepreneur are, you're probably health insurance choices now days with open enrollment to make, and try to decide what is better for you, your family or your business. you are trying to decide whether you'll health insurance go away the group, or perhaps take advantage of individual health insurance.

and if you have not thought about before advantage of individual health-care insurance, hopefully these 10 reasons to give you a reason to remember.

First of all, individual health insurance is portable. If you go to the doctor or for an extended period in the hospital, you are not going to lose your insurance due to the fact that you can not go to work. You own your insurance and it is portable and transferable, and it goes with you wherever you go.

Second, individual health insurance is cost anywhere from 20-60% less than it is comparable group health insurance. For real. Individual health insurance is less in almost every single State on corresponding group coverage.

There is permanent. Individual health insurance can not be canceled on you. You as an individual have the policy. As long as you make the premium payment each month on this carrier you are covered. Your policy may not unlike the group health insurance could be canceled when your employer can not afford it, or wanted to cancel.

There is not limited. Individual health insurance can choose their doctors and health care providers without any restrictions to consumers.

And it's customizable. So these people, these consumers, these people are in our country - they get their deductibles and say their copays and get to bring the end of the day, that's what I want, and that is what is good for our family and I'm going this plan for my family to pick up. Instead of putting in a plan one-size-fits-all group health insurance

number six -. And this could be the greatest - is that it is subsidized. There are large amounts of premium tax credits for qualified people in this country only on individual health insurance. So if you are an individual out there, you can be entitled to up to $ 2,000 -. $ 12,000 in premium tax credits based on household size and income

There is stable. Instead of being included in this group, or a small group of other employers in your area, you are placed in a large group from a risk perspective - you bundle your personal risk with the risk, with the thousands around you

There is really good for careers. So if you change jobs or consider changing jobs, you can do it with confidence because you know that you can take your health insurance with you, and there is not this transitional period is going to be where you ask yourself, what if you will happen to change jobs or careers - what happens with my health insurance? Nothing happens to your health - get it with you to keep

It's really good for your business .. And it's really good for your business because your management professionals, or perhaps other people in your company, the historically very much time spent in the health of your business decisions, they no longer do that. Employees buy their own health and the managers and other people in your company, the Key Employees are going time on revenue and spending your core business.

Finally, it is really good for America. And it's really good for America because it enables people to take control over their own health care; to make decisions on their own, choose its own policy, choose to become their networks and deductibles, and really educated consumers. And really affect the bottom line of the United States of America to the extent that healthcare dollars are spent.

So superior individual health insurance group health insurance. I really hope that your takeaway from today's meeting. If you have any questions, please visit us at www.zanebenefits.com. I hope you enjoyed today's meeting. Thanks again.

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