asking 3 questions as you rent Prepare

5:12 PM
asking 3 questions as you rent Prepare -

Small businesses be with limited time and resources wisely on recruitment need to include new talent and make each new hire. One of the first steps is to evaluate the business of recruitment needs.

Small business owners always willing to employees should hire for a new position to ask these three questions.


1. What role they will fill?

clearly First define the job description. What work needs to be done? What skills are required to achieve the work?

How to publish the work and interview candidates, a clear job description that will help you the best candidate for the position to hire.

2. How much help do we need?

Think about how much time you need from an employee. Do you need full-time or part-time? Would a contractor or consultant a good option? What is an internship?

3. How much can we afford?

Many small businesses are worried about the cost of rent and the return on investment. any investment How to Consider:

  • monthly cash flow (you can make billing regularly?)

  • monthly gain (you have to support enough income was rent the creation of a new?)

  • Expected additional income (how much additional revenue will generate a new hire?)

  • Estimated wage costs

  • (how much you rent the new pay?) Estimated monthly taxes and benefits

  • additional overheads (will offer benefits?) (ex: extra rent, technology, energy costs)

related articles See on small business setting:

  • reduction of staff turnover - 12 tips for small businesses

  • small Business HR Basics

  • retention - the actual cost of losing an employee

Small Business Hiring Guide eBook

Photo credit: kev-shine

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