Employers seek health care better Manage costs and benefits are increasingly of central employer control against the employees' commitment and ownership of the health insurance and employee benefits. This is according to an annual bswift benefits study, the trends on how employers use wellness initiatives, identified consumerism, and technology to shift health benefits by the employer Employee.
The study both large and small employers interviewed. Large employers were defined as more than 500 benefits in question, the employee and employer were smaller than 50 to 500 defined benefit eligible employees
The study identified the following key trends for 2013 and 2014 .:
A number of emerging common wellness program listing.
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acceptance of inducements to the results based on the rise, with premium adjustments the primary incentive type.
contribution is with some early adopters gaining popularity.
technology, especially automation and employee self-service, making steady progress. use
Employer wellness programs for cost savings, adoption of common wellness programs
[1945006zuWellness-ProgrammeInBezug], the study showed that both large and small employer cost savings and employee participation rank as the leading measures of success to be with health consequences next in the ranking.
The study also finds that health risk assessments (HRAs), biometric tests, flu shots and smoking cessation programs continue pillars of wellness programs for large employers in 2014
a quarter of large employers with incentives to wellness programs
According to the study, nearly a quarter of all employers with wellness to be programs in place reported incentives for compliance or exceeding biometric thresholds from 1 offers in 7 in previous years. The most common incentives health insurance premium discounts, wellness points and additional contributions to health-related accounts,
Large employers start to Defined Contribution, private exchanges
According to the study is the proportion of large employers a contribution approach, taking into account and / or private exchange gradually increases, from 14% in 2013 to 18% in 2014 from smaller employers with 50 to 500 employees, 10% consider a contribution strategy.
most large employers with Employee Self-Service and Automation
According to the study, most of the major employers in the direction of move of employee self-service and automation for online registration, new employee enrollment communication, dependent verification and / or medical insurance billing.
What trends in wellness, health consumerism, contribution and technology are look
Source: 2014 bswift Benefits Study
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