Top 10 Health Reform 2014

10:41 PM
Top 10 Health Reform 2014 -

The Affordable Care Act (ACA aka, PPACA, health care reform, Obamacare was) one of the greatest health benefit themes of the year. Companies, health insurance brokers, CPAs, and staff have tried to understand and keep up to date on the new regulations. From almost controversial, here's our top ten health reform article. This offer read, most commented, and most common product on health care reform in 2014



1) the ultimate Cheat Sheet on health care reform for small and medium enterprises

the ultimate cheat sheet provides a quick guide for small businesses about how health reform impact your business and your employees -. to offer and how to take advantage of the health reform changes affordable health benefits

2) Premium Tax Credit Charts - 2015

as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), premium tax credits available to help individuals and families, individual health insurance through the health insurance purchase marketplaces. The following premium tax credit charts eligibility and the amount of tax credits, updated in 2015

3) Healthcare Reform Requirements of company size

the patient Protection and affordable care Act (PPACA), also known as the health care reform, has different requirements for your business, depending on the size and depending on what kind of health benefits you offer. Here is a summary of the requirements of health care reform as of 1 January 2014 by company size.

4) should What CPA to know about health care reform

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires CPAs Experts to be on the key provisions of health care reform. For example, tax experts are required to clients to help them to consider whether it will be even more valuable for them to go into a state exchange or a private insurer based on the number they have FTEs. Here's how health care reform affects the role of the CPA.

5) FAQs on the ACA 0-day waiting period rule

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) writes before that coverage under a plan group health eligibility time employees and their families "otherwise qualified" no later than 0 calendar days are provided by an employee. The 0-day waiting period provision applies to employers of all sizes and all plan types including grandfathered plans and self-insured plans. This article includes ten most frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Affordable Care Act the last 0 days waiting period rule.

6) qualifying life event for ACA Special Enrollment Periods

This article discusses the qualifying life events outlined (also known as "triggering events") that make an employee eligible to enroll outside the open enrollment periods in individual health insurance - a special enrollment period called. After a qualifying event, have to register in a plan enrollee generally 60 days.

7) IRS FAQ underlines importance of complying with ACA rules

13 May 2014 scored the IRS a new FAQ (the "FAQ") to employer arrangements Healthcare. This FAQ addresses employer payment plans as described in IRS Notice 2013-54 (the "Notice") defined. While this FAQ is not a new rule, it underlines the importance of compliance with the guarantee simultaneously both the annual limit rules and precautionary requirements (the "market reforms").

8) 2014 federal poverty level (FPL) guidelines

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) households with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) will be to purchase the coverage through a state health insurance exchanges, to reduce the cost of coverage for a premium tax subsidy. Here is an overview of the 2014 federal poverty level (FPL) guidelines.

9) Health Care 101 small charities

This article provides some answers to frequently asked questions, such as the Health reform impact on your organization and your employees -. and how to take advantage of the health reform changes affordable health benefits to offer

10) 4 things about HRAs and health care reform in 2014 to know

health reform brings sweeping changes to the health insurance industry, including how employers can use health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Here are four things about HRAs and health care reform in 2014 to know and beyond.

What health reform products or tools you would see in 2015? Leave a comment below.

Affordable Care Act 101 for Small Businesses eBook

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