Why it makes sense to your group health plan drops outside open enrollment

1:07 PM
Why it makes sense to your group health plan drops outside open enrollment -
Open enrollment is fast approaching. From 15 November individuals will find the marketplace scramble for a plan that best fits their needs, is to consider companies to renew an existing plan or pursue alternative routes and insurance professionals are in full swing prospecting back, education and business close.

Open enrollment is fast approaching. From 15 November individuals will find scramble for a plan that best meets their needs, companies will consider an existing plan or pursue renew alternate routes, and insurance professionals is back in full swing prospecting, education and closing business be. Why it Makes Sense to Drop Your Group Health Plan Outside of Open Enrollment

So should open enrollment, the best time to be in a group health plan fall, right?

Not necessarily.

insurance most group health plans are "unilateral agreements", the company can cancel a policy at any point during the year. In addition, if a business now drops their group health insurance, employees are enrolling to participate in individual health insurance outside the annual open enrollment.

The following are two reasons core why it makes sense for your business or your clients to their group health insurance plans before fall enrollment to open for 2015

More time from your broker

there is no question of insurance professionals (agents and brokers) are employed. This is especially true when capturing members. But from March to November, the majority of brokers experiencing downtime. This is to have the full attention of a great opportunity for the company to all their insurance needs of their brokers.

This is also an opportunity for brokers take full advantage of this to take downtime. The downtime allows brokers to dive deep into an individual of the enterprise and to assess where they are with their insurance needs and goals. Moreover, it allows agents the time to research and alternative options to track how the individual health insurance premiums and reimbursement that can better adapt to business needs.

Employees can "test drive" your individual directives

As mentioned above, if a company falls their group health insurance and qualify employees for a special enrollment period because shedding the group planning a "Qualified Event "in life is that employees have the possibility to enroll in individual coverage for up to 60 days after the event.

Once the group health insurance is canceled, employees can work with brokers to buy an individual health plan or go to their national health insurance marketplace and choose a plan that best meets their needs.

is the best part, if for any reason the employee satisfied with the plan is not, they have acquired outside of open enrollment, they will be able to switch to another plan once open enrollment begins. In this way, the plan may give a "trial run" for the employee if you will.

These are just a few reasons to have group health insurance fall outside the open enrollment. What other reasons you

Related Articles See:

  • as a company to help cancel group health insurance in 2014 (... and their business retain)

  • As new employees, individual health plans purchase outside the open enrollment

Download the eBook: How to Cancel Group Health Insurance

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