5 Key Small Business Health Benefit Trends

10:29 PM
5 Key Small Business Health Benefit Trends -

in full effect with major provisions of the health reform, experts agree, the landscape of employer health insurance is changing rapidly. This article describes five small business health benefits trends for 2015 to know, and why these trends important for small businesses


Trend # 1 :. The majority of Americans still get insurance through work (for Now)

At present, the majority (56%) of non-elderly Americans get their health insurance through work. Of the nearly 267 million non-elderly residents in the US, 56% are covered through their employer, 18% 21% by Medicaid or other public programs are not insured covered and 6% will be covered by a person or a family plan.

Why This Matters: , the proportion of Americans, health insurance received through work, steadily declined in the past decade. In fact, S & P Capital predicts that 0% of the company employer-sponsored health insurance by 2020 in favor of the individual health insurance and government marketplaces will leave.

Trend # 2: 3.3 million small and medium employer health insurance does not offer

More than 3.3 million small and medium businesses in the US do offer health insurance for employees, primarily because of cost

Why is this important. If you can afford not been able traditional group health insurance, or do not believe it is the best way to insure employee, you are not alone. This trend is also evidence that small businesses need more affordable and sustainable health solutions

Trend # 3 :. The cost of the group health insurance continues to rise

In 2014, the average cost of an individual by an employer-sponsored group health plan was to cover $ 6,025 / year ($ 502 / month); compared to $ 4,152 / year ($ 346 / month) with a nonsubsidized individual health plan. If the premium tax credits are applied, subsidized individual health insurance on average $ 984 / year ($ 82 / month) -. 84% less than group health insurance

small business health benefit trend

Why this matters: The cost of health insurance group is unaffordable and unsustainable for small businesses and employees. Individual health insurance costs less and offers equal (or better) coverage than comparable group health insurance.

Trend # 4: small business group coverage continue to fall


changed negatively Small and micro enterprises mainly by the increase in costs of group health insurance. The number of micro-employers (3-9 employees) that offer health insurance fell from 59% in 2010 to only 44% in 2014

Why This Matters: Small businesses continue to fight the cost and eligibility requirements of the health insurance group. For most small businesses, a health insurance group is no longer the best health benefits solution. Which begs the question, Why are small businesses still use Group Health Insurance

Trend # 5: small and medium enterprises adoption employer-paid individual health insurance

Because of the unsustainable cost of employer-sponsored group health insurance, combined with new advantages of individual health insurance, it is estimated that 60% of small businesses financed by employer health insurance by 2017 funded favor eliminate employer individual health insurance

Why is this important. We are in the midst of a significant transformation in how employers and employees, purchase health insurance. Small businesses lead the way through quickly to the individual health insurance and premium refund merges programs.

Download For more current employer health insurance trends and statistics, this free guide.

Employer Health Insurance Facts & Figures 2014

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