Massachusetts residents Keep insurance coverage despite the recession

12:31 PM Add Comment
Massachusetts residents Keep insurance coverage despite the recession -

Cape Cod Massachusetts has the lowest uninsured rate in the country because of their universal health care program that was enacted in 06. many health experts were concerned that several people would drop their health insurance during the recession in Massachusetts. However, The Boston Globe reports that a study suggests uninsured rate remained unchanged between 08 and 09.

Shanna Shulman, research and director of Blue Cross Blue policy Shield of Massachusetts Foundation said "We all kind of anticipating a decline in coverage, given the recession that hit Massachusetts hard, so we were pleased that the detainees coverage levels. "

Massachusetts residents who lack health insurance coverage may face a fine from the state government, which may have had an impact on the number of uninsured will not change. Since the legislation on universal health care was passed in Massachusetts uninsured rate fell by 60 percent in adults.

the study also showed that racial and ethnic disparities among the uninsured people decreased significantly since 06. surprisingly in the fall of 09, minorities were less likely to go without health care than white adults because of greater enrollment Massachusetts subsidized insurance programs. Yet minorities were more likely to not have a doctor and much more likely to visit an emergency room for routine care.

This report is an important victory for politicians will face difficult discussions this fall. Although many Massachusetts residents are insured, the costs of health care continue to rise in the state.

Do not pay list to reduce the costs of health care the government

11:30 AM Add Comment
Do not pay list to reduce the costs of health care the government -

scissors federal agencies recently President Barack Obama ordered to make a national "do not pay list" to help spending cut health care and other waste from fraudulent expenses. This list will enable the government to provide benefits, grants and loans to individuals and organizations that are not eligible.

The Department of Treasury, Office of Management and Budget and General Services Administration will establish the database according to The Washington Post . This database will reduce the sending organizations government checks to dead people, offenders or imprisoned contractors and other companies in suspension. Over the past three years, about 20,000 checks were sent to dead people totaling $ 182 million.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will use an online fraud detection program. Experts believe that online tools will help CMS keep an eye closer on medical suppliers and controls driving background. In 09, CMS has about $ 65 billion in incorrect payments.

Many applaud President Barack Obama to take on government management and try to make more effective government agencies. reform of health care called for cuts in Medicare fraud and waste and online fraud detection program should make it more reliable and efficient CMS.

This new database will also make it harder for criminals to conduct the Medicare fraud and make it easier to catch these criminals. A great way to reduce health insurance costs for everyone is to reduce or eliminate fraud and abuse in health care.

Cover Corner Replies: what happens after COBRA

10:29 PM Add Comment
Cover Corner Replies: what happens after COBRA -

books Many people who are currently unemployed are worried about their COBRA benefits and grants they had received from the federal government. As the bills stall Congress to provide additional unemployment benefits, including an extension of the COBRA subsidy, consumers should start looking for health insurance in other places.

COBRA coverage for people who have lost their jobs but who want to keep their group health insurance coverage that was provided by their former employer. However, COBRA coverage tends to be extremely expensive, which is why the federal government had provided subsidies for the plan.

Many times, the purchase of an individual or family health insurance policy is less expensive than COBRA coverage. Consumers can compare health insurance quotes at and watch planes with different budgets.

People on a tight budget should look for a high-deductible plan that has low monthly premium. This type of coverage also allows consumers to open a health savings account that can help save money for future health care costs.

There are some people who can not buy health insurance on the private market because they have pre-existing conditions. Fortunately, high-risk pools that were established under the reform of health care will accept candidates later this week in many states. In some states, the applications can not be accepted for a few months or in the fall. People can contact their local insurance department to see if they will accept applications soon.

Although the extension of the COBRA subsidy has not been adopted, there are other options for those looking to find affordable health insurance.

Cuts Before Medicaid Expansion imminent reform of health care

9:28 PM Add Comment
Cuts Before Medicaid Expansion imminent reform of health care -

questionmark Congress has not passed an extension of Medicaid funding States that were counting on the money in their budgets. Now governors across the US become frustrated as they consider making Medicaid cuts -. Reduce the number of Medicaid beneficiaries to health care services, such as dental care, insulin pumps and over-the-counter medicines

The measure of pass additional funding to the dead states with Republicans concerns about adding the federal deficit by the Wall Street Journal . Democrats were unable to offset the cost of Medicaid funding to states that would cost about $ 24 billion.

But the cuts to Medicaid come at a weird moment when in a few years, States will be expanding their Medicaid programs in progress under the reform of health care.

Monica Coury, assistant director at the Arizona Health Cost Containment System said, "It 's like living in a parallel universe. on the one hand, we have federal partners talk about the expansion of this program. And at the state level, we "are looking at a program that we can" t sustain. "

Even if Congress offset funding the expansion of Medicaid reform health care, states will still have to help pay some of the programs. Starting from 2014, 16 million people will be eligible for Medicaid. - marking one of the largest expansions in the years

There has been an increased demand for Medicaid during the weak economy Many people abandon their insurance health and seek to Medicaid for help, but will have to wait. see if the government can pass the extension.

Individual Health Insurance Mandate: A Taxation or not

8:27 PM Add Comment
Individual Health Insurance Mandate: A Taxation or not -

obama As the debate over health care rages on, the Obama? the administration has defended the individual mandate as not a tax. Reported in The New York Times last September President Barack Obama even said: "For us to say that you" got to take responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase . "

now, there has been a complete change in the tone of the administration saying that the individual mandate for health insurance is a tax and that the government has the" power to establish and collect taxes. "

Why the change of heart?

After the reform of health care was passed in Congress, the debate shifted in court that 20 states have filed a lawsuit against the reform. to defend the case of the federal government, the Obama administration and his lawyer decided to call the individual mandate a tax.

Congress has the power to issue tax to ensure the general welfare of Americans and the courts do not have the power to decide which taxes should be maintained.

Furthermore, since no one has paid the tax, there can be challenges to tax until it has been paid - do so for tax purposes as a great argument for President Obama.

opponents of reform health care still believe the provision that requires Americans to have minimum coverage is unconstitutional because it exceeds the power of Congress to regulate commerce.

Although the Obama administration wishes to the history of the tax, opponents of reform health care will find fault with the law.

Audits health insurance for Dependents and spouses

7:26 PM Add Comment
Audits health insurance for Dependents and spouses -

scissors A recent post on the corner of coverage spoke of firms making checks for dependents on health insurance plans. Now more attention is paid on the topic as companies that perform eligibility checks see a spike in business.

CNN reported that companies expect to see an increase of 9 percent in their health insurance plans in 2011 due to increased hedging costs and provisions the reform of health care.

To reduce costs, more companies that provide group health insurance should conduct eligibility checks. Usually, eligibility checks find 10 to 13 percent of dependents on health plans are not actually eligible to receive health care benefits.

In addition to checking the children on the plans, many companies are conducting joint audits. Some companies check to see if a spouse has health insurance benefits through their employer, and if that is the case, a company may decide that it is unacceptable for a blanket or extra fees.

The companies are also conducting joint audits because many former spouses remain on the group health insurance plans after a divorce that make the ineligible spouse.

not eligible dependents Removing a health insurance plan can save employers an average of $ 5,000 per year for a spouse and $ 1.00 for a dependent between the ages of 19 to 25.

Don "t be surprised if your company performs a check soon -. they are just trying to save money and reduce health insurance costs for employees with low

Pennsylvania and New Jersey Subscribe to Health Insurance High Risk Pools

6:25 PM Add Comment
Pennsylvania and New Jersey Subscribe to Health Insurance High Risk Pools -

philadelphiacityhall Pennsylvania launched the new health insurance pool high risk that will allow people with pre-existing medical conditions to get insurance coverage means. Nearly 1,000 Pennsylvania residents with medical conditions applied on the first day to the high-risk pool by mail in applications according to The Philadelphia Inquirer .

Pennsylvania intends to have 3,500 eligible people enrolled in the program on a first come, first served and hopes to have about 5,0 people in it in 2014.

The Highmark Blue Shield group in Pittsburgh administers the plan and benefits include coverage for mental health, prescription drugs, laboratory services, standard preventive care, and hospital and medical services.

New Jersey began accepting applications recently too. New Jersey estimates that around 21,000 people could possibly get coverage of its state plan, with coverage costs between $ 213 and $ 660 per month - depending on age and if a resident is a smoker.

Of the $ 5 billion allocated for high national risk pools, Pennsylvania was given $ 0 million to its fair AP Care Program and New Jersey was given $ 141 million to its NJ Protect.

To be eligible for subsidized health insurance - people must have pre-existing conditions, be a US citizen and resident of the state, and have been uninsured for at least six months.

Pennsylvania and New Jersey are only two states that have chosen to manage their own high-risk pools, about 21 other states have adopted the federal government already accepts applications too.

The fight against drug abuse to reduce health insurance costs

5:24 PM Add Comment
The fight against drug abuse to reduce health insurance costs -

noentry According to The Boston globe , health officials in Massachusetts are trying to cut thousands of addicts who go from doctor to satisfy their need for prescription medications solid. Officials are trying to make it easier for doctors to identify those individuals designated as doctor shoppers. It 's believed that there may be up to 9,000 people in Massachusetts who abuse the system.

The Council of Public Health wants to improve an Internet monitoring program to the requirements by using a online network that medical professionals can access to see the history of current and past orders s a patient. "

The prescription monitoring system included only one category of drugs since 1992, which included some painkillers. However from 2011, pharmacists will inform the state authorities if they fulfill the requirements for other types of drugs, such as steroids and other analgesics. The basic prescription data will also be updated each week instead of every month.

Medical workers will then be able to access the database and verify a patient 's drug history, which makes it easier to spot those who abuse the system or can be hooked. The improved surveillance methods cost about $ 1 million initially and about $ 400,000 a year to operate and maintain, but it could save the state about $ 2 million per year in health insurance costs.

Kentucky tried something similar and it seems to work as doctors can check a person "of the prescription history dating back to 05. the state monitoring system reported that some doctors check each patient and more 500,000 total cases were examined last year. While some doctors take the time to examine all visitors, others have access to the system if they think something is suspicious.

Diabetes costs billions of dollars in health insurance and hospital costs

4:23 PM Add Comment
Diabetes costs billions of dollars in health insurance and hospital costs -

running Many Americans know maybe not, but there are 25 million people affected by diabetes and the number is increasing every year. The disease is now the leading fifth cause of death in the country and a recent report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) indicates that it costs a total of $ 83 billion per year for fees hospitalization, representing 23 percent of America 's total hospital expenditure.

in America, 95 percent of patients with diabetes have type 2. type 2 is usually caused by a lack of exercise with a poor diet. However, there may also be genetic. This form of the disease usually affects the elderly, those who are obese and even children.

most diabetics rely on Medicaid and Medicare for treatment according to Kaiser Health News . But what it costs the nation to pay for diabetes? a study by the American diabetes Association in 07 said the cost of illness was 174 billion when all medical expenses were taken into account with a national total of the reduced productivity of $ 58 billion $.

it is estimated that one in five dollars for health care is spent on a treatment for diabetes. In fact, diabetics visit the hospital more and have to stay longer than most other patients. One of the main reasons is the high cost because diabetes is often associated with heart failure, blindness, pneumonia, hypertension and other diseases.

However, the costs increase each year because there are millions of people who have undiagnosed diabetes and others with pre-diabetes who are likely to be affected by type 2 diabetes the next 10 years. Diabetes

But type 2 can usually be controlled if people eat sensibly and get regular exercise. This will greatly reduce the nation 's health insurance and health care costs that everyone complains.

Several states that require health insurance subsidy reform While Battling

3:22 PM Add Comment
Several states that require health insurance subsidy reform While Battling -

money2 We all know now that all world is behind the reform of health care. But while some states are against - they "re also queuing to get government assistance Several States are trying to get the health care legislation overturned in court, but aim to get their share of subsidies in health concerns. insurance costs of retired workers.

The law makes $ 5 billion available to help employers maintain health insurance benefits for those who have retired at 55 and over, but aren "t yet eligible to receive insurance -maladie. the grant covers 80 percent of health claims between $ 15,000 and $ 0,000.

employers are allowed to use public funds to reduce their own costs or reduce the costs of their pensioners by offering lower premiums and cost sharing. All companies that are approved for a grant must inform their retired employees, they received government assistance.

Up now 16 states have been approved for grants that are designed to help early retirees pay their medical bills and seven of them are trying to sue the federal government over the reforms. the Associated Press reported that Nevada, Nebraska, Michigan, Louisiana, Indiana, Idaho and Arizona intend to sue while obtaining grants.

The grants are designed to help pensioners to reform health care is fully operational. The payments end in 2014 when eligible citizens can receive tax credits to help them pay their premiums.

Iowa health insurance high risk pool Off To start slow

2:21 PM Add Comment
Iowa health insurance high risk pool Off To start slow -

desmoines reform health care in place across national high-risk pools for people with pre -existing conditions. However, in many states, it is a slow start as a less than expected are signing up for coverage. The pool high-risk health insurance Iowa only had 32 applications for enrollment began early last month.

The number of applicants is extremely small when one considers that there is approximately 34,500 Iowans who qualify The Des Moines Register reports. Yet program administrators believe that the $ 35 million in federal funds will cover 975 Iowa residents.

Political reasons have been suggested for the lack of registration, but generally Republicans and Democrats support pools of high-risk health insurance.

Democrats accuse the lack of manpower to misinformation about the reform of health care, while Republicans believe that the new high-risk pools are confusing and should have been joined in ancient that still exist.

Iowa Governor Chet Culver was excited and proud to offer the new high-risk pools for Iowa residents with pre-existing conditions.

Gov. Culver said, "As long as these forms of exclusion are subject to the new rules in the proposed reform of the federal health law, which does not become effective for several years, it becomes our duty as a state to ensure that Iowans have access to ongoing care they need at a cost that does not lead to financial ruin for their families. "

New regulations to crack down against Fraud health care

1:20 PM Add Comment
New regulations to crack down against Fraud health care -

jail Regulations were announced aimed at suppressing smuggling in Medicare and Medicaid. These regulations allow health officials to try to reduce the $ 55 billion which is paid annually in irregular payments.

The proposed rules are part of the reform of health care, because it extends health insurance coverage to millions of citizens by reducing the money on the fraud and waste in health care systems public and private health. New techniques to reduce fraud include the fingerprints of some operators of medical farms and stopping medical payments after credible allegations of fraud were made.

The director of AARP was satisfied with the rules as she said that members often see cases of fraud they "re charged for items they don" t have order, products that are never received, and services that were never rendered.

According to USA Today , the new rules are designed to:

  • payments Halt when credible allegations of fraud are made
  • status Stop Medicaid programs using health care providers who have been removed from Medicare or Medicaid
  • Visit medical companies to make sure they 're legitimate
  • medical providers rate by their potential risk of fraud. high-risk companies would be subject to criminal background checks and fingerprints.

law enforcement, health insurance companies and other government agencies praised the rules as they see them as a way to prevent fraud instead of paying false statements and prosecute people for returned payments.

California Since reforming health care Trendsetter

12:19 PM Add Comment
California Since reforming health care Trendsetter -

goldengatebridge Currently, there are four pending bills signatures of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger that will make California a pioneer in reforming health care.

One of the bills would create a California health insurance exchange that will provide consumer subsidies and Medicare choices. A five-member board will be set up to determine and choose the health insurance companies that can participate in the exchange. Interestingly enough, The Wall Street Journal reports that the exchange will have fewer choices than there are currently in the market for individuals. The exchange will be in contradiction with the market that exists today and the idea that more choice increases competition, but it will also create a new form of competition among insurers.

Another bill will provide consumers with greater transparency with regard to the increase in insurance rates. The rates will be subject to independent review and consumers will receive 60 days notice before the rate increases take effect.

individual health insurance policies will also be listed in five levels of insurance if another bill is signed. This will help consumers to easily determine the different plans and help to clarify the insurance products that do not meet certain standards.

The final bill will require terminations to go through an independent review to ensure that mistakes are not made. reform of health care is already illegal cancellation unless it is due to fraud.

All these bills will increase consumer protection and benefit many residents of California.

Companies Exemptions for Limited-Benefit Health Plans

11:18 AM Add Comment
Companies Exemptions for Limited-Benefit Health Plans -

employees The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has already granted waivers for over one million health insurance policies limited benefits to ensure that low-wage and part-time workers do not lose health benefits. Many companies fear that they would not be able to provide limited benefit plans because of the regulatory reform of health care and asked HHS for exemptions.

The exceptions are only good for one year and are considered a temporary solution until consumers can buy and receive subsidized health insurance market in 2014. health insurance companies who provided evidence that employee premiums would rise significantly or employees would lose complete coverage have been granted waivers by BusinessWeek.

Robert Laszewski the associated health policy and strategy said. "The big political issue here is the president promised that no one lose the coverage they 've got here we are a month before the election, and these companies represent 1 million people who would lose the coverage they 've got, so that the administration can "t fall into this trap."

that the exceptions are that political reasons is uncertain, but the companies won "t be necessary to provide a minimum level of annual benefits at this time.

companies can always follow medical loss ratios (MLR) when those regulations are determined and request additional exemptions. many benefit plans limited and mini-med plans may not meet the MLR requirements. These plans have high administrative costs, which explains why McDonald "s have asked for an additional exemption so it won "t have to comply with the MLR last week.

Corner coverage Answers: How to find coverage for prescription drugs affordable

10:17 PM Add Comment
Corner coverage Answers: How to find coverage for prescription drugs affordable -

books In a post today s monitoring " Americans with health insurance Cutting Back on drugs, coverage angle provides some helpful tips for consumers to save money on prescriptions

to save money on drugs sold should :.

  • always ask a doctor or pharmacist for a generic over a brand name drug. Generics are cheaper and usually work just as well.
  • Request larger amounts of drugs as a prescription for 0 days instead of 30 days supply. larger quantities help people save money and avoid unnecessary trips to the pharmacy.
  • Talk to your doctor about the pill splitting. Some drugs can be divided into two and consumers can save money by buying a larger quantity. However, all drugs can be divided into two and you need a doctor "approval of s.
  • Shop. The price requirements will change between pharmacies. There are many online tools that allow consumers to compare drug prices between pharmacies to get the best price.

consumers who have high-deductible health plans should be particularly careful when buying drugs. A plan of candor won "t cover requirements until the deductible is met, leaving consumers with off-pocket costs. To prepare for these costs, consumers should save money or open a health savings account (HSA).

HSA allows consumers to save can be used to pay for prescriptions tax free money. The accounts act as normal savings accounts, but are made for medical expenses.

for more information on high-deductible plans and HSA Health Savings Account visit our Information Center.

HHS provides grants to states for health insurance consumer assistance

9:16 PM Add Comment
HHS provides grants to states for health insurance consumer assistance -

americanflag Today, HHS awarded more grants States, non-profit organizations and even consumers of health care to increase the consumption aid with health insurance in many states. Grants totaled about $ 30 million to create and improve support in 35 states, the District of Columbia, and four territories.

The money will be used to create "consumption aid programs" to help Americans learn about health insurance and their rights as consumers. The new programs are a direct consequence . reform of health care and will provide additional resources to help state residents

specifically these grants will help:

  • consumers sign up for an insurance cover disease
  • consumers file complaints and appeals against health insurance plans;
  • Educate consumers; and
  • Track complaints and strengthen the implementation [

health insurance is a complex issue and the reform of health care, the industry has become even more complicated. These services will help consumers find information on the reform of health care and how they can benefit.

Consumers are confused about the reform of health care can also talk to licensed health insurance agents about their current choices. But you won "t see the HHS give money to brokers or health insurance companies anytime soon.

Fear your Medicare premiums? Register for the free Medicare contest!

8:15 PM Add Comment
Fear your Medicare premiums? Register for the free Medicare contest! -

jackolantern If you're anything like Frankenstein in this comic, you must register for the free insurance competition! launched the contest to help a large lucky prize winners receive free health insurance premiums up to $ 5,000 for one year.

Though Frankenstein is certainly older than most consumers shopping for health insurance and facing higher premiums, it isn "t the only fear of paying health insurance premiums each month.

the draw can be found on our Facebook page. feel free to speak your alerts with health insurance premiums and that such assistance could do for you!

Image desc

Cartoon Randy Bish of the Pittsburgh Tribune.

How much is too much for health care services?

7:14 PM Add Comment
How much is too much for health care services? -

DonaldBerwick A Medicare advisory committee will meet tomorrow to determine whether Medicare should cover a treatment that costs $ 93,000 per patient. The treatment, called Provenge, is for prostate cancer and has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Generally, when the FDA approves a treatment or medication, health insurance cover without much debate. However, The Wall Street Journal reports that the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) announced in June that he would do a review of Provenge - sparking outcry among groups of rights and Provenge investors the government was trying to ration care.

The examination showed that Provenge worked moderately and extended the lives of patients with prostate cancer by four months.

If CMS determines that Medicare should cover the treatment, Medicare could be instructed to cover up to 70 percent of men who qualify for Provenge.

The former Medicare chief doctor, Sean Tunis said, "This is not to time, politically, to the level of discussion directed if further four months is a good result."

So, for political reasons, the CMS may simply pass the expensive treatment to avoid the game and the idea that Democrats ration health care.

the new head of CMS, Donald Berwick was criticized for past comments he made about rationing of care and was the anti-reform rhetoric health target. If the CMS chooses not cover Provenge treatment then another outcry follow.

Senate fails to repeal health care reform Benefit Unpopular

6:13 PM Add Comment
Senate fails to repeal health care reform Benefit Unpopular -

ussenatechamber Recently, the Senate voted on the repeal of a provision reform of health care that drew opposition from Democrats, Republicans, small businesses and even a division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The provision of the reform of health care requires small businesses to file 1099 for goods that cost $ 0 or more with a supplier - the creation of a large amount of paperwork to the IRS and small businesses. Up to 40 million small businesses would have to file forms from 2012 and require the IRS to hire workers to handle the new load.

Although the repeal of the provision has the support of Democrats and Republicans, the Senate was short six votes to repeal it. Republicans believe that the funds generated by the setting to 1099 provision should be replaced to avoid adding to the deficit. However, Democrats plan to repeal did not provide other sources of income for the shortfall.

Senator Mike Johanns proposed using money unspent federal accounts reports Yahoo!. He said: "Billions of taxpayer dollars sit in unspent accounts and a very small percentage of those funds would give small businesses a much needed break for the next fiscal formalities tsunami"

Repeal the. provision will result in $ 19 billion less in taxes collected from small businesses and nonprofit organizations through 2020. Although the repeal was not adopted today, many lawmakers believe it will soon be repealed.

Vermont Considers Move To Single-Payer Health Insurance

5:12 PM Add Comment
Vermont Considers Move To Single-Payer Health Insurance -

vermontcapitol As states and the federal government is working to implement the provisions of the health care reform health and ride on health insurance changes, a state is considering moving to a single-payer system entirely.

Vermont has hired contractors to explain how a single-payer system would work in the state. A report will be produced in, and Vermont decide whether it will become the first single payer state in the nation.

Stateline reports Vermont has one of the best healthcare systems in the country and was ranked the healthy state four years in a row. Currently less than 10 percent of Vermont does not have health insurance.

Yet Vermont struggles to pay the high costs of health care and to believe his evil small business and the middle class. But its unclear whether having insurance provider of health and relieve employers to provide health insurance for employees is the best route to take.

Vermont legislature considers that the provision of a single-payer health insurance system will be

  • Free health care providers to complete the paperwork and the demand for coding of health insurance companies.
  • Bring the current health care system together and solve the problems of fragmentation.

Representative Mark Larson said, "It" is very difficult to lead a strategy for achieving long-term savings in health care - to better manage care to minimize prodecures useless to invest in strategies that have demonstrated savings in quality and cost -. without a system of funding and payments to direct these efforts "

Reform federal judge Care Health claims as a whole is unconstitutional

4:11 PM Add Comment
Reform federal judge Care Health claims as a whole is unconstitutional -

briefcase Yesterday, a federal judge in Florida was the first to declare that all health care reform is unconstitutional - marking one of the biggest court decisions on reform yet. Judge Roger Vinson is the second judge to determine that the reform is unconstitutional in a legal battle that will end up in the Supreme Court.

The decision to Vinson is distinguished because it has not struck down part of the reform, but the whole of the law. As the trial against the reform is one of the largest and represents 26 states across the nation reports The Washington Post .

Vinson does not believe the individual mandate health insurance is constitutional and that the term is closely related to almost every part of the reform. These connections through the law, it will be impossible to implement without warrant reform. He said, "The law, like a defectively designed watch, needs to be redesigned and reconstructed by the watchmaker"

The judge referred to the federal government when it came to the expansion of Medicaid. . States believes that the expansion of Medicaid imposes a heavy burden on them when they are already cash short and not have the budget. But the judge said that the federal government does not require states to participate in Medicaid and is their own decision.

of course, the Obama administration has taken to their blog in defense reform and minimize the decision calling it "a clear case of judicial too far."

again this decision is not the last and more courts will ultimately decide on the same issues.

angle coverage: the health insurance plans of the child and Open Enrollment

3:09 PM Add Comment
angle coverage: the health insurance plans of the child and Open Enrollment -

books Health care coverage reform guarantees children with pre-existing conditions. But as health insurance companies have left the market, states and insurers have begun using open enrollment periods to avoid financial concerns.

In the coming months, some states will start offering open enrollment periods and some will be fine for the individual plans of the child, including:


the open enrollment period for California will end on March 1, but will continue for the month of complete calendar months of the child's birth.


Open registration in Oregon will be concluded on 28 February 2011. But another registration period is scheduled for August 1 to August 31, 2011.


Missouri will hold registration periods open from March 1 to March 31 each year until 2014. the health insurance companies can contain additional open enrollment periods throughout the year.


Open begins registration in Ohio, on 1 March 2011 and will continue until the end of the month.


This open enrollment will begin March 15 and continue to April 30, 2011. Then there will be an additional registration from 15 September to 31 October 2011.


Montana organizes specific enrollment in a particular child so that each calendar month before the birth month of the child will be the period of open enrollment.

During these times, parents can compare health insurance plans for children and purchase coverage. If open enrollment is missed, parents can still purchase a health insurance plan of the family that will provide coverage to children with pre-existing conditions. Open enrollment periods are made for health insurance plans for each child.

Early retirees Seeing benefits of reform health care

2:08 PM Add Comment
Early retirees Seeing benefits of reform health care -

americanflag Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the early retiree reinsurance program (HERR) is off to a great start and has provided $ 535 million in federal funding for early retirees. The HRRS helped governments, companies, groups and local religious schools offer young retirees and their families with affordable health insurance.

Funds from HRRS are given to plan sponsors, employers who pay for part of young retirees of health insurance. Typically this age group, ranging from 55 to 65, has trouble providing or obtaining coverage. This age group is usually too young for Medicare, but lose their coverage because of the retirement group.

The Plan sponsors HRRS pay part of the costs to provide coverage to retirees and requires employers to implement cost savings for individuals at high cost. In addition, there are policies to reduce fraud and waste in the programs to ensure that public funds are not used correctly.

individual insurance coverage HRRS disease levels will be comparable to Medicare and exclude routine vision and dental care, infertility treatment, hearing aids, and more.

Participation in HRRS varies considerably by state. For example, California has 518 participating employers and New Mexico only 5 participating employers.

State and local authorities are also the most likely to use the program and account for 47 percent of approved sponsors. In terms of cost, the state and local governments are accounting for more than half of the funding and received more than $ 298 million.

Health insurance for retirees on small grants funds

1:07 PM Add Comment
Health insurance for retirees on small grants funds -

money A provision in the reform of health care has worked to help pensioners and businesses by subsidizing the health costs of retirees and employers. Many retirees ages 55 to 65 have difficulty finding affordable health insurance coverage and are not eligible for Medicare.

Before the reform of health care, many companies were down or reducing retiree health insurance because of the cost. Reform attempted to reverse this trend by offering grants to cover and work as a temporary measure until the health insurance exchanges are established in 2014.

The grants can be used to reduce the cost of benefits and bonuses, output of-pocket costs, deductibles and coinsurance.

Initially the plan set aside $ 5 billion to cover the cost of coverage for retirees. In 2010, $ 535 million was paid to 253 different organizations. Approximately $ 3.6 billion is set aside for grants in 2011, $ 1.4 billion for 2012 and $ 24 million in 2013. But some experts believe that the money for grants could miss this year.

Bloomberg reports that up to 5,000 candidates registered for grants and waiting to find out if they are approved. Only 253 organizations received grants in 2010, with 56 percent representing state and local governments.

For example, the pension plan for California officials received $ 57.8 million in 2010. The pension office New Jersey received $ 38.6 million. And grant funds are not given to governments will go to companies that are not in need.

It will be interesting to see what percentage of businesses and governments receive funds in the next year and how long the funds last. If funds are given to governments and unions, it seems as if the provision was written for cash-strapped states can receive and opposition critics.

Increase Retirements among public workers as States Shift costs of health care

12:06 PM Add Comment
Increase Retirements among public workers as States Shift costs of health care -

usa Many states across the country have considered changing the amount of public employees contribute to health insurance premiums, pensions and the cost of retiree health care as they deal with large deficits. The displacement movement higher costs for employees is shared between the private sector, but not for public employees.

As states adopt laws or negotiate with the unions to resolve employee contributions, a strong increase in staff taking early retirement at any age. California, Florida, Texas, New York, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey and Illinois have all observed dramatic increases in the number of officials who retire.

Does states able to cover their commitments for retirees?

Bloomberg reports that states have about 77 percent of covered liabilities for retirees. Illinois has the least saved and the state has only 50 percent of covered liabilities for retirees.

Some states have received grant funds for the reform of health care to cover the cost of retiree health insurance. The pension system of the California Public Service received $ 57.8 million in the coming years, which will help cover health insurance costs California. In 2010, California has seen an increase of 20 percent in the number of teachers who are retiring and they expect that number to grow this year too.

To fight against the 15 billion $ 2.012 fiscal deficit for states, become much more likely to pass legislation to increase public employee contributions - resulting in more retirements.

Need help finding a home care assistance?

11:05 AM Add Comment
Need help finding a home care assistance? -

stethoscope3 For Medicaid recipients in Oregon or non-beneficiaries, find a safe and reliable means of home care in the past has been a struggle. But things!

There are less than five years, the Oregon Home Care Commission and register guidance system was implemented; However, many people do not know it exists.

The register may be used by Medicaid recipients Oregon residents or private payers - for free. It is designed to allow home care workers and employers looking at each other on the basis of sets criteria such as; Do you need someone to live with you, or just come in the morning? Do you have a language preference? Do you need someone who leads and is a non-smoker? The search criteria can be very detailed.

Cheryl Miller, executive director of the commission, estimates more than 17,000 certified workers are currently listed with nearly 1,100 Oregonians search the registry every month.

To check if your state has a register, a map can be found here. Currently, about sixteen states have care records.

Many books are free to use and certain expenses minimal cost. In addition, most registers are available privately paying clients and some simply serve Medicaid beneficiaries.

All registers report on credentials and the availability of potential workers, while most of them also include a criminal background check.

There is a good chance that such records become more widespread with the expansion of long-term care insurance reform health care.

Insurance premiums for high risk pools Lowered

10:04 PM Add Comment
Insurance premiums for high risk pools Lowered -

ratings The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that premiums insurance for pre-existing state plan (PCIP) will drop to 40 percent in 18 states. And it will now be easier for people to apply for PCIP coverage in 23 states.

The PCIP is one of the highly touted benefits of reform health care where individuals with pre-existing conditions can sign for an affordable health insurance coverage.

Unfortunately, the program has seen the very low enrollment and HHS hopes that these changes will help individuals apply for the plan.

From 1 July 2011, candidates will be permitted to provide a letter from their doctor, or nurse practitioner dated within the last 12 months showing that they have a medical condition, disability or illness . Applicants will not be required to have a denial letter from their insurance company. However, registrants must be citizens and have been without health insurance for six months to be eligible.

These changes will only affect the states where the federal government is running high-risk pools. It is not known if the states that operate their own PCIP program will make the same changes.

The program helps many Americans get health insurance until 2014, then individuals will be guaranteed an insurance coverage regardless of health status.

In an effort to increase enrollment in other ways, HHS also said it will pay to insurance agents to register individuals in the PCIP this fall.

Six questions to ask your health insurance agent

9:03 PM Add Comment
Six questions to ask your health insurance agent -

questionmark Shopping for health insurance can be a complicated process, but consumers should do everything theirs. Licensed agents are the best source of information on what you need to know about a health insurance plan can highlight the details of a plan or a particular medium.

Once consumers start comparing plans and understand the basic details of a policy, then they should start referring to an agent.

Questions that consumers may want to ask their agent include:

1. Why should I obtain health insurance if I am healthy? If you are unsure about purchasing a policy speak health insurance to an agent on the importance of having a good health insurance policy.

2. That out-of-pocket expenses that I will commit to a visit to the hospital, surgery or doctors visit? Knowing what payments you are responsible will be extremely useful when using health care services.

3. My family doctor will be covered with this health plan? If you have a family or primary care doctor visit you prefer, make sure they are covered in the health plan's network.

4. What does this A.M. Best rating Has insurer? Does the company have a record of requests for customer service and good treatment? Mr. A is a global agency that assesses the health insurance companies on their creditworthiness. Health insurers are also graded on how fast they process applications and how to correct these claims are. Companies with higher scores can provide a better service experience to customers.

5. Does the plan covers maternity, vision and dental insurance? Agents will help you determine what benefits you need and whether you should get something more of a health insurance policy.

6. Does the ordinances which I am already be covered by a regime? Talk to your agent about all medications you are currently taking and how much they will cost a plan.

individual health insurance rates vary considerably across the United States

8:02 PM Add Comment
individual health insurance rates vary considerably across the United States -

usamap never consider the health insurance premiums before making a big move ? Well, it may be a good idea for some parts of the country. A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that the cost of individual health insurance varies considerably according to the United States.

Throughout the nation, the average premium for an individual policy is $ 215 per month.

However, the rate in the United States range from $ 136 in Alabama $ 437 in Massachusetts.

While states have the most expensive premiums? Massachusetts ($ 437), Vermont (401 $), New York ($ 357) and Rhode Island ($ 344) have the highest premiums for individual coverage.

Regarding the cheapest premiums Alabama ($ 136), California ($ 157) and Arkansas (163 $) top.

The differences in health insurance premiums may be due to a number of factors, including cost of living, the amount spent on health care, the age and health of the population assured, and the laws in a particular state. Some states require health insurance companies to cover people regardless of the conditions and pre-existing conditions require different benefits and level of benefits covered in the plans.

For example, Massachusetts has the lowest uninsured rate and the highest premiums because health insurers are required to provide coverage to each individual who applies. In California, there are no laws that require health insurers to provide coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. The market for insured then tends to be healthier - thus less expensive to insure.

The next time you consider moving, make sure you consider all the moving parts. Yet with the reform of health care, it may not matter much in the coming years.

Greatest Tweets about Health Insurance

7:01 PM Add Comment
Greatest Tweets about Health Insurance -

fruitsmiley Last month, The Corner coverage highlighted six funny things that people say about social media about Medicare.

Since individuals have continued to GoHealth humor with their tweets about health insurance, including:

@primesilver 1. I think my social media life begins emulating my health insurance plan. I do not mind too often go with friends off-grid.

2. @colbyochsner They sell health insurance right next to McDonalds haha ​​bet business is in full swing #irony

@BofMouais 3. The health insurance plan I'm considering offers two hearing aids every three years. # Turning30soon

4. @ Fantastic413 My dog ​​now more insurance coverage than me. No need for both of us to have to ...

@sdheaven 5. If time is money ... and time heals all wounds ... should I be the buying a watch or health insurance?

@annabeloakes 6. One of the sweetest moments of my life was when my new doctor looked at my papers, then at me and said: ". Your health insurance is really good"

Seven questions to ask during Open Enrollment

6:00 PM Add Comment
Seven questions to ask during Open Enrollment -

stethoscopekeyboard During open enrollment, it is a perfect time to ask the company HR department on changes to your health insurance plan - especially with the reform of health care.

Whether you realize it or not there are usually changes each year to a group health plan.

Ask these questions about changes to your current health insurance plan:

1. Are there changes to benefits or coverage levels?

2. Does your employer contributes more to your health plan or are you more helps your health plan?

3. Any increase in premiums or copayments for your current plan or other plans available?

4. Are the networks of health care providers evolve?

5. Your company has added or modified savings account for medical benefits as a Health Savings Account?

6. Does your plan provides benefits of reform health care, including free preventive care and allowing dependents to remain on the plane until they turn 26?

7. Does your company or participate in fitness programs in the workplace or to provide incentives this year?

Once you have the answers to these questions, ask yourself if a group health plan is the most affordable option, or if you should consider a plan on the private market.

Medicare Open Enrollment 5 Myths

4:59 PM Add Comment
Medicare Open Enrollment 5 Myths -

redflags Much confusion surrounds Medicare during open enrollment. But do not be confused by the five Medicare myths.

1. You must re-register for your current Medicare coverage if you want to keep the same regime You do not have to do anything if you want to keep your current coverage for 2012 -. You are automatically enrolled in the plan. If your current plan Medicare Part D is available and you choose a new plan, you will be automatically switched to a new plan with the same insurance company.

2. I can ask my neighbors and relatives what kind of health insurance coverage they have and register for the same coverage. You have different health care needs that your neighbor and you take the most likely of different drugs to picking the same coverage isn 't the best idea. Also, get the same type of coverage health insurance that your spouse may not be the best option for you.

3. When I sign for coverage starts immediately. The enrollment in a health plan during open enrollment means your new coverage will begin on 1 January 2011. You should inform your old plan because it will automatically be canceled.

4. I can change my Medigap policy during the open enrollment. During the Medicare open enrollment, changes can be made regarding Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D. These changes include the fall, switching, or get plans Medicare Advantage or Part D.

5. I can trust people who call my home and knock on my door. The people who call or knock on your door are often crooks. The best way to compare health insurance plans is to compare online, talk to a licensed health insurance agent or call the insurance department of your state on the cover. Avoid giving your personal information and Medicare card in person by phone.

Tips for Finding Small insurance company of

3:58 PM Add Comment
Tips for Finding Small insurance company of -

computer individual health insurance plans and group both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Unfortunately for small business owners, it is not always easy plan that works best for them and their business. Before choosing a plan consider for you and your following employees:

Individual Health Insurance


  • provides customizable options to choose a plan that offers the benefits you need. You can also choose a plan that is compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA).
  • The individual plans are more mobile than group plans and you can keep your plan if you ever choose to leave a current position.
  • Your premiums will not be higher due to health and age of your colleagues.


  • In almost all states, you can be turned down coverage because of pre-existing conditions until 2014. it is expected that you may qualify for another, such as insurance pre-existing condition, but there are certain criteria that you must meet.
  • The cost of individual health insurance varies greatly between states.
  • all plans not provide maternity coverage, but it can be added as a driver as well as dental and vision care.

Health Insurance Group


  • Each employee is guarantee to obtain health insurance, regardless of pre-existing conditions.
  • The employer will take much of the cost (generally 80 percent).
  • Employers do not have to pay taxes to provide the plans and are a great benefit for employees

Less :.

  • the cost of a group plan can be determined by the age and health of the group. For some companies, the demographics of the workforce may increase the cost of health insurance for the entire group.
  • The plans are not customizable. There will be people who will receive a maternity cover but never use it.
  • If employees lose their jobs or want to change jobs, they will lose their coverage.
  • Some employees may switch between part-time and full-time hours which can qualify or disqualify them at times for benefits.

tips for choosing the coverage of small businesses

1. Consider the health of you and your employees. Will it be difficult to obtain individual coverage? Will it be too expensive to pay group coverage?

2. Have you considered alternatives to the individual option or in normal group? Some employers have started to contribute a certain amount for premiums and letting their employees make the decision of how to get coverage. According to the company, employers may be able to join groups or associations that have a larger pool for the group plan.

3. Talk to an insurance agent. An agent will be able to guide you through the process of decision making and provide specific information on the state health plans. Each state has different laws regarding health plans.

4. Do not be afraid to talk to other managers and employees access to their options. Some employees may evaluate health insurance options more than others or would like to cover with conclusion.

5. Find out if you qualify for tax credits for small businesses to reform health care. Many small businesses will be able to benefit from this provision.

health care changes for consumers in 2012

2:57 PM Add Comment
health care changes for consumers in 2012 -

bloodpressurecuff The next few years will be crucial for the health care industry and health insurance . With major changes to the reform of health care and a push for services and products focused on consumers, patients and consumers have much to expect in 2012.

Here are some things consumers will very likely see in 2012:

1. the accounting care organizations (ACOs) were created by the reform of health care and will coordinate care between health care providers and patients. Hospitals and health insurers will begin to create ACOs in 2012 in the hope of repayment in 2013.

2. sickness insurance discounts if the health insurance companies do not spend enough on medical care for patients. The medical loss ratio (MLR), also created by the reform will require health insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of health insurance premiums on medical care. If a health insurer does not meet the MLR requirements, the insurer will reimburse consumers.

3. More transparency for the costs of health care. With health care providers in the current system of determining a price for a service and the price varies on many factors. These factors may include the location of the hospital, contracted health insurers and reputation. Massachusetts legislature discussed putting caps on how health care providers will pay a lot for the service, but it is unknown whether it will be forwarded at that time.

4. Following debate on the reform of health care. 2012 will be a record year for politicians. Not only the Supreme Court to decide whether the individual health insurance mandate is constitutional, but the 2012 election could create a rocky atmosphere for her.

Whether health care changes would you like to see in 2012?

5 Benefits of a High Deductible Plan

1:56 PM Add Comment
5 Benefits of a High Deductible Plan - Health

books Whether you are shopping for a new insurance plan, or you already have one and are looking ways to save money, it is important to take a look at the benefits of a high deductible health plan (HDHP). While a high deductible health plan may not be for everyone, there are attractive qualities.

1. lower premiums. The deductible may be higher and you will have to pay more out-pocket expenses such as health expenditures come along, but your monthly premiums are lower. high deductibles allow your insurance coverage to be more affordable and a better fit for your budget because your premiums are a recurring expense.

2. You can become eligible for an HSA account. health savings accounts (HSA) is an account where you put money in it, so that the funds can be used when health expenditures occur. The funds in the HSA are not taxed for federal income and earning interest on the money you deposit and can be withdrawn tax-free, for health-related expenses. These expenses also roll over and accumulate each year.

3. If you are healthy, you save. When you are healthy your expenses are generally less than the deductible. This means you have fewer doctors visits, less prescriptions, hospital visits less to pay out-of-pocket, so that the franchise essentially irrelevant.

4. After 64 years, you withdraw HSA are tax-free. If you choose to make a high-deductible health plan and follow the path of health savings account; You can withdraw HSA balance, for some reason, after reaching the age of 64-years tax free.

5. High Deductible Health Plan is typically a PPO. A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) usually adds flexibility to get coverage for health care providers off-grid. An HDHP can give you the opportunity to see the off-network providers.

Calling all freelancers who need health insurance

12:55 PM Add Comment
Calling all freelancers who need health insurance -

dandelion There are many advantages that come with self-employment, and many enjoy the freedom and creativity that comes from working outside the traditional office environment. However, the work also comes with complications, especially regarding health insurance. Many freelancers are struggling with the costs of health care and still others believe that they can not afford insurance.

Fortunately, there are a number of health insurance plans that are affordable (and provide excellent coverage) for self. Consider the following options:

individual health insurance: You can take a health insurance coverage in your own hands by buying individual health insurance. There are a variety of options for your budget and health needs. For those who have a tight budget consider a high deductible plan with low monthly payments.

Chamber Most people do not realize that their local chamber of commerce might be a good option for insurance. Many chambers of commerce offer small business plans that could be a potential option for you. Visit your branch to find out more about this type of plan.

Freelancers Union: Freelancers seeking health insurance could find what they need with the Freelancers Union. The organization is free to join and its sole purpose is to support freelancers across the country. You can even opt for a dental and disability insurance.

COBRA: COBRA is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 and offers health insurance options for people who have recently resigned or were dismissed from their position. If you leave your current office to become a freelancer, COBRA could be a good option for you. But keep in mind, it is not a long term solution. Once you sign up for COBRA, you have 18 months to use the plan, and after that, you will need to seek a more permanent solution as individual health insurance.

Ultimately, there are a number of health insurance options available to freelancers. With a little research, you can consider your options and choose the plan that suits you best.

Defined contribution health and future of the coverage of the employer

10:53 PM Add Comment
Defined contribution health and future of the coverage of the employer -

employees As health insurance costs continue to increase to cover the employer, many companies are considering a new type of health benefits: defined contribution plans.

Defined contribution plans allow employers to provide only a fixed amount for health insurance premiums. Then, employees have the opportunity to choose a plan based on the amount of the contribution.

But what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of service?

For defined contribution plans:

  • Companies can save money and plan for the future with all the costs of Medicare.
  • Employees can shop and choose from more than a couple of different plans.
  • Employees will have a better understanding of their health plan and how to use this plan.
  • The companies remain competitive in the workplace by continuing to offer health benefits.
  • Small businesses now have a more affordable option when it comes to providing health benefits for employees

Under defined contribution health plans :.

  • Employees may not understand how to shop for coverage or how to use a benefit to defined contribution.
  • Employees can even buy coverage with their defined contribution.
  • Current employees can be upset by changes in their health plans.
  • Employees will be subject to rate increases regardless of how much the employer contributes.

What type of business should consider this option?

Small businesses that are currently struggling with the cost of employee coverage should consider the defined contribution plans. reform of health care has created tax credits for small businesses, but few are eligible for them.

In addition, employers with employees across the country can now have a difficult time to be able to provide health insurance plans because of the complexity. But a defined contribution plan will reduce paperwork for employers and provide a uniform system for health benefits.

The most expensive drugs in America

11:54 AM Add Comment
The most expensive drugs in America -

pillsblue The drugs in this country are known to be more expensive than others. Although health insurance plans can help consumers struggling with drug costs, there are off-pocket costs that are passed on to consumers.

People can pay thousands of dollars in annual requirements, especially those who are struggling with life-threatening conditions or severe. And, given the fact that the average American fills 12 prescriptions each year, the high cost of drugs is an important question that can not be overlooked.

The most expensive drugs in America:

Solaris Directed by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, the drug is used to treat a rare disease known as hemoglobin paroxysmal nocturnal . He set the world record for the most expensive drugs, from more than $ 400,000 annually.

Elaprase: Made by Shire, the drug treats a condition known as Hunter syndrome and it can cost up to $ 375,000 per year.

Naglazyme: Directed by Biomarin, this requirement helps to treat a condition called mucopolysaccharidosis VI. It can cost up to $ 365,000 per year.

Other expensive prescriptions that are not for rare diseases includes:

Provenge: This drug is manufactured by Dendreon and it is used to treat cancer prostate. On average, it can cost $ 93,000 a year.

Avastin Made by Roche, the drug treats colon cancer and it can cost nearly $ 0,000 per year.

Lemtrada: Sanofi makes this M.S. drugs and an annual prescription costs $ 60,000.

These are some of the most expensive drugs in America, and the costs will not anytime soon.

Sometimes patients have the option of generic drugs. Often, they work just as well, but come at a lower price. However, all drugs have generic equivalents and not all doctors feel comfortable with generic options.