Massachusetts has the lowest uninsured rate in the country because of their universal health care program that was enacted in 06. many health experts were concerned that several people would drop their health insurance during the recession in Massachusetts. However, The Boston Globe reports that a study suggests uninsured rate remained unchanged between 08 and 09.
Shanna Shulman, research and director of Blue Cross Blue policy Shield of Massachusetts Foundation said "We all kind of anticipating a decline in coverage, given the recession that hit Massachusetts hard, so we were pleased that the detainees coverage levels. "
Massachusetts residents who lack health insurance coverage may face a fine from the state government, which may have had an impact on the number of uninsured will not change. Since the legislation on universal health care was passed in Massachusetts uninsured rate fell by 60 percent in adults.
the study also showed that racial and ethnic disparities among the uninsured people decreased significantly since 06. surprisingly in the fall of 09, minorities were less likely to go without health care than white adults because of greater enrollment Massachusetts subsidized insurance programs. Yet minorities were more likely to not have a doctor and much more likely to visit an emergency room for routine care.
This report is an important victory for politicians will face difficult discussions this fall. Although many Massachusetts residents are insured, the costs of health care continue to rise in the state.