health care changes for consumers in 2012

2:57 PM
health care changes for consumers in 2012 -

bloodpressurecuff The next few years will be crucial for the health care industry and health insurance . With major changes to the reform of health care and a push for services and products focused on consumers, patients and consumers have much to expect in 2012.

Here are some things consumers will very likely see in 2012:

1. the accounting care organizations (ACOs) were created by the reform of health care and will coordinate care between health care providers and patients. Hospitals and health insurers will begin to create ACOs in 2012 in the hope of repayment in 2013.

2. sickness insurance discounts if the health insurance companies do not spend enough on medical care for patients. The medical loss ratio (MLR), also created by the reform will require health insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of health insurance premiums on medical care. If a health insurer does not meet the MLR requirements, the insurer will reimburse consumers.

3. More transparency for the costs of health care. With health care providers in the current system of determining a price for a service and the price varies on many factors. These factors may include the location of the hospital, contracted health insurers and reputation. Massachusetts legislature discussed putting caps on how health care providers will pay a lot for the service, but it is unknown whether it will be forwarded at that time.

4. Following debate on the reform of health care. 2012 will be a record year for politicians. Not only the Supreme Court to decide whether the individual health insurance mandate is constitutional, but the 2012 election could create a rocky atmosphere for her.

Whether health care changes would you like to see in 2012?

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