Several states that require health insurance subsidy reform While Battling

3:22 PM
Several states that require health insurance subsidy reform While Battling -

money2 We all know now that all world is behind the reform of health care. But while some states are against - they "re also queuing to get government assistance Several States are trying to get the health care legislation overturned in court, but aim to get their share of subsidies in health concerns. insurance costs of retired workers.

The law makes $ 5 billion available to help employers maintain health insurance benefits for those who have retired at 55 and over, but aren "t yet eligible to receive insurance -maladie. the grant covers 80 percent of health claims between $ 15,000 and $ 0,000.

employers are allowed to use public funds to reduce their own costs or reduce the costs of their pensioners by offering lower premiums and cost sharing. All companies that are approved for a grant must inform their retired employees, they received government assistance.

Up now 16 states have been approved for grants that are designed to help early retirees pay their medical bills and seven of them are trying to sue the federal government over the reforms. the Associated Press reported that Nevada, Nebraska, Michigan, Louisiana, Indiana, Idaho and Arizona intend to sue while obtaining grants.

The grants are designed to help pensioners to reform health care is fully operational. The payments end in 2014 when eligible citizens can receive tax credits to help them pay their premiums.

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