That is exempt from the individual mandate?

1:45 PM
That is exempt from the individual mandate? -

bluequestionmark The individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States. Some like the idea and some hate it. Others still do not know what an "individual mandate" is.

Let clear that one spot: The individual mandate requires every individual to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty. reform plans give grants to Americans whose average income and below to help them afford a health insurance policy.

There is not cut and dry, however.

If you want to get technical (and who does not when it comes to wild wacky world of health insurance):

Section 1411 of the Act affordable care exempts persons who are members of a 'cult or religious division exempt, as a member of a division of the Ministry of health, as an Indian, or as an eligible individual exemption difficulties, such information as the Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall prescribe. "

We'll break down a little. in addition to the American Indians, the following groups are exempt from the reform of the law health:

people living below the poverty line
Americans with incomes below the federal poverty level do not pay taxes and they should not buy health insurance. Currently, the poverty threshold for a family of four has a total annual income of $ 23,050.

Members of some religions
If someone is a practitioner of a religious sect that has been in continuous existence since 1950 and is "conscientiously opposed" to accept the benefits a public or private insurance, they are exempt. Amish fall into this category, for example.

Members of care sharing ministries of health (HCSM)
These are non-profit organizations whose members share the same faith and similar lifestyles. HCSMs act as "clearing houses" for members with medical expenses and those who wish to share the burden of these medical expenses.

In addition to the groups listed above, people with restrictions on income and certain other events will be exempt from the tax penalty healthcare. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the penalty tax exemptions will be people for whom the option of lowest level cost exceeds 8 percent of income and for those whose incomes are below the income tax threshold.

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