health care reform requirements Output New

8:40 PM
health care reform requirements Output New -

The Health and Human Services (HHS) released three major requirements that will change the future health insurance plans for every consumer.

premiums and Medicare costs

Birthday will be a lot less fun that consumers can benefit from premium increase every year. That's right, a premium increase each year (currently consumers may see an increase every five to ten years). From the age of 21 to 63, consumers can see a higher charge for each birthday. Why? Due to the reform of health care, insurers can not charge seniors more than three times what young adults are charged. This essentially means that the costs to ensure the elderly are transmitted to young consumers.

Smoking will also be very expensive. health insurance companies will be able to charge 50 percent more than non-smokers. But smokers are offered an exemption if they try to quit.

Women will not be charged more for coverage as well as anyone who has a pre-existing condition.

Essential Health Benefits

States will be able to choose the exact level of Medicare benefits that insurance companies must provide. These benefits will be based on what is already the most popular plans in the state.

Programs wellness

reform health care allows employers to provide and continue to provide discounts on insurance premiums for employees who reach physical and / or medical purposes. Provide incentives for welfare programs was a new trend among employers, but this regulation goes further to protect those who are unable to participate in these programs. A company should offer alternatives to certain employees whose physical make "unreasonably difficult" to participate.

Employees could see a penalty of 20-30 percent or discounted health coverage to join or not to join a wellness program. Those who quit smoking will receive a discount of 50 percent.

Overall, there are winners and losers clear with this post. Smokers will have great success if they do not try to quit. The women will start to pay the same amount as men, but that the most likely results in an increase in premiums for men. And young adults should expect their premiums continue to rise regardless of their health or their sex, but premiums should get more affordable for seniors.

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