Insurance premiums for high risk pools Lowered

10:04 PM
Insurance premiums for high risk pools Lowered -

ratings The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that premiums insurance for pre-existing state plan (PCIP) will drop to 40 percent in 18 states. And it will now be easier for people to apply for PCIP coverage in 23 states.

The PCIP is one of the highly touted benefits of reform health care where individuals with pre-existing conditions can sign for an affordable health insurance coverage.

Unfortunately, the program has seen the very low enrollment and HHS hopes that these changes will help individuals apply for the plan.

From 1 July 2011, candidates will be permitted to provide a letter from their doctor, or nurse practitioner dated within the last 12 months showing that they have a medical condition, disability or illness . Applicants will not be required to have a denial letter from their insurance company. However, registrants must be citizens and have been without health insurance for six months to be eligible.

These changes will only affect the states where the federal government is running high-risk pools. It is not known if the states that operate their own PCIP program will make the same changes.

The program helps many Americans get health insurance until 2014, then individuals will be guaranteed an insurance coverage regardless of health status.

In an effort to increase enrollment in other ways, HHS also said it will pay to insurance agents to register individuals in the PCIP this fall.

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