Medicare Open Enrollment 5 Myths

4:59 PM
Medicare Open Enrollment 5 Myths -

redflags Much confusion surrounds Medicare during open enrollment. But do not be confused by the five Medicare myths.

1. You must re-register for your current Medicare coverage if you want to keep the same regime You do not have to do anything if you want to keep your current coverage for 2012 -. You are automatically enrolled in the plan. If your current plan Medicare Part D is available and you choose a new plan, you will be automatically switched to a new plan with the same insurance company.

2. I can ask my neighbors and relatives what kind of health insurance coverage they have and register for the same coverage. You have different health care needs that your neighbor and you take the most likely of different drugs to picking the same coverage isn 't the best idea. Also, get the same type of coverage health insurance that your spouse may not be the best option for you.

3. When I sign for coverage starts immediately. The enrollment in a health plan during open enrollment means your new coverage will begin on 1 January 2011. You should inform your old plan because it will automatically be canceled.

4. I can change my Medigap policy during the open enrollment. During the Medicare open enrollment, changes can be made regarding Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D. These changes include the fall, switching, or get plans Medicare Advantage or Part D.

5. I can trust people who call my home and knock on my door. The people who call or knock on your door are often crooks. The best way to compare health insurance plans is to compare online, talk to a licensed health insurance agent or call the insurance department of your state on the cover. Avoid giving your personal information and Medicare card in person by phone.

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