How much is too much for health care services?

7:14 PM
How much is too much for health care services? -

DonaldBerwick A Medicare advisory committee will meet tomorrow to determine whether Medicare should cover a treatment that costs $ 93,000 per patient. The treatment, called Provenge, is for prostate cancer and has already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Generally, when the FDA approves a treatment or medication, health insurance cover without much debate. However, The Wall Street Journal reports that the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) announced in June that he would do a review of Provenge - sparking outcry among groups of rights and Provenge investors the government was trying to ration care.

The examination showed that Provenge worked moderately and extended the lives of patients with prostate cancer by four months.

If CMS determines that Medicare should cover the treatment, Medicare could be instructed to cover up to 70 percent of men who qualify for Provenge.

The former Medicare chief doctor, Sean Tunis said, "This is not to time, politically, to the level of discussion directed if further four months is a good result."

So, for political reasons, the CMS may simply pass the expensive treatment to avoid the game and the idea that Democrats ration health care.

the new head of CMS, Donald Berwick was criticized for past comments he made about rationing of care and was the anti-reform rhetoric health target. If the CMS chooses not cover Provenge treatment then another outcry follow.

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