The most expensive drugs in America

11:54 AM
The most expensive drugs in America -

pillsblue The drugs in this country are known to be more expensive than others. Although health insurance plans can help consumers struggling with drug costs, there are off-pocket costs that are passed on to consumers.

People can pay thousands of dollars in annual requirements, especially those who are struggling with life-threatening conditions or severe. And, given the fact that the average American fills 12 prescriptions each year, the high cost of drugs is an important question that can not be overlooked.

The most expensive drugs in America:

Solaris Directed by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, the drug is used to treat a rare disease known as hemoglobin paroxysmal nocturnal . He set the world record for the most expensive drugs, from more than $ 400,000 annually.

Elaprase: Made by Shire, the drug treats a condition known as Hunter syndrome and it can cost up to $ 375,000 per year.

Naglazyme: Directed by Biomarin, this requirement helps to treat a condition called mucopolysaccharidosis VI. It can cost up to $ 365,000 per year.

Other expensive prescriptions that are not for rare diseases includes:

Provenge: This drug is manufactured by Dendreon and it is used to treat cancer prostate. On average, it can cost $ 93,000 a year.

Avastin Made by Roche, the drug treats colon cancer and it can cost nearly $ 0,000 per year.

Lemtrada: Sanofi makes this M.S. drugs and an annual prescription costs $ 60,000.

These are some of the most expensive drugs in America, and the costs will not anytime soon.

Sometimes patients have the option of generic drugs. Often, they work just as well, but come at a lower price. However, all drugs have generic equivalents and not all doctors feel comfortable with generic options.

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