Need help finding a home care assistance?

11:05 AM
Need help finding a home care assistance? -

stethoscope3 For Medicaid recipients in Oregon or non-beneficiaries, find a safe and reliable means of home care in the past has been a struggle. But things!

There are less than five years, the Oregon Home Care Commission and register guidance system was implemented; However, many people do not know it exists.

The register may be used by Medicaid recipients Oregon residents or private payers - for free. It is designed to allow home care workers and employers looking at each other on the basis of sets criteria such as; Do you need someone to live with you, or just come in the morning? Do you have a language preference? Do you need someone who leads and is a non-smoker? The search criteria can be very detailed.

Cheryl Miller, executive director of the commission, estimates more than 17,000 certified workers are currently listed with nearly 1,100 Oregonians search the registry every month.

To check if your state has a register, a map can be found here. Currently, about sixteen states have care records.

Many books are free to use and certain expenses minimal cost. In addition, most registers are available privately paying clients and some simply serve Medicaid beneficiaries.

All registers report on credentials and the availability of potential workers, while most of them also include a criminal background check.

There is a good chance that such records become more widespread with the expansion of long-term care insurance reform health care.

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