Why Miami Health Insurance Costs So High?

3:47 PM
Why Miami Health Insurance Costs So High? -


A recent study by Milliman Medical Index concludes that Miami, Florida has the highest cost of care health in the country for private insurance. The average cost for a family of four is hundreds or even thousands of dollars more expensive than other major US cities.

The five highest annual costs towns health insurance for a family of four - including employer and employee contributions:

Miami ......... ....... $ 24,965
New York City $ 24,545 ...
Chicago ............. $ 23,551
Boston ....... ........ $ 22,419
Philadelphia ...... $ 22,054

So - what's the problem? What are the reasons why Miami residents receive such high insurance quotes for health? It is complicated:

  • The elderly and Miami go together like peanut butter and jelly. It is one of the most famous retirement destinations in the country. Miami ranks annually or near the top in the nation for Medicare.
  • Malpractice Suits. The city of Miami has an unusual amount of malpractice and many doctors can not afford the excessive cost of liability insurance. As a way to cover their bases and avoid getting justice, some doctors ask patients to be tested for everything in the book. This drives up costs.
  • Miami-Dade County has reduced Medicaid rates by more than 15 percent over the past two years. the health insurance companies must make a difference in some way, and they turn to insurance by the employer to do so.

In addition to these examples Miami-specific, employers nationwide are happening more health insurance costs on their workers. In the event that the reform of health care is not reversed, the costs of health care Miami could have a brighter future.

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