Vermont Considers Move To Single-Payer Health Insurance

5:12 PM
Vermont Considers Move To Single-Payer Health Insurance -

vermontcapitol As states and the federal government is working to implement the provisions of the health care reform health and ride on health insurance changes, a state is considering moving to a single-payer system entirely.

Vermont has hired contractors to explain how a single-payer system would work in the state. A report will be produced in, and Vermont decide whether it will become the first single payer state in the nation.

Stateline reports Vermont has one of the best healthcare systems in the country and was ranked the healthy state four years in a row. Currently less than 10 percent of Vermont does not have health insurance.

Yet Vermont struggles to pay the high costs of health care and to believe his evil small business and the middle class. But its unclear whether having insurance provider of health and relieve employers to provide health insurance for employees is the best route to take.

Vermont legislature considers that the provision of a single-payer health insurance system will be

  • Free health care providers to complete the paperwork and the demand for coding of health insurance companies.
  • Bring the current health care system together and solve the problems of fragmentation.

Representative Mark Larson said, "It" is very difficult to lead a strategy for achieving long-term savings in health care - to better manage care to minimize prodecures useless to invest in strategies that have demonstrated savings in quality and cost -. without a system of funding and payments to direct these efforts "

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