Five easy ways to save on insurance sickness

6:50 PM
Five easy ways to save on insurance sickness -

piggybank Everyone wants to know the secrets to save money. Regarding health insurance, there are a few different things that consumers can try to take advantage of when it comes to reducing costs.

Get a high deductible plan that is compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA). Individuals are eligible if they have a deductible of $ 10, but can save up to $ 3,100 per year for health care services. And families are eligible for an HSA if they have a deductible of $ 2400, but are allowed to save up to $ 6,250 per year.

There are many benefits to health savings accounts, which include:

  • Fund HSA college interest
  • HSA funds roll over from year to year
  • funds are saved for future medical expenses and retirement health costs
  • HSA contributions are tax deductible on income
  • There is a catch-up period between the ages of 55-65, which allows consumers to save an additional $ 1000 in the HSA

Choose health plan with a limited network. health insurance plans with limited networks are able to negotiate cheaper rates. But if you travel a lot or go to work, this may not be the best option.

Mix and match policies of insurance. Many consumers tend to go with a group health insurance instead of comparing group plans or plans on the individual market. For example, a married couple has a health insurance policy with an employer, but it may actually be better financially for the husband to stay in terms of group work and the woman to stay in terms of group his work. It all depends on how much a company sends employees in terms of premium costs for dependents.

Review your health insurance and care needs over the years. health care needs change over time, so if you have a plan you like and are comfortable with, call your health insurer to pass a plane with a different franchise. As consumers age, they tend to use health care services more, so it is usually wise to reduce the deductible and pay more in monthly premiums.

Understanding the risk you take on. Many consumers go for the plans with the lowest monthly premium, but can not understand that they are responsible for the deductible of $ 5,000 after the use of health care services.

For example, there is a plan that has a deductible of $ 2500 and costs about $ 88 per month. This same plan is available with a deductible of $ 10,000 and costs about $ 56 per month. A consumer to pay $ 32 more per month means that the consumer will be responsible for $ 2,500 in the case of illness or injury instead of $ 10,000. And that big of a difference between the franchises can put someone in medical debt.

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