Seven questions to ask during Open Enrollment

6:00 PM
Seven questions to ask during Open Enrollment -

stethoscopekeyboard During open enrollment, it is a perfect time to ask the company HR department on changes to your health insurance plan - especially with the reform of health care.

Whether you realize it or not there are usually changes each year to a group health plan.

Ask these questions about changes to your current health insurance plan:

1. Are there changes to benefits or coverage levels?

2. Does your employer contributes more to your health plan or are you more helps your health plan?

3. Any increase in premiums or copayments for your current plan or other plans available?

4. Are the networks of health care providers evolve?

5. Your company has added or modified savings account for medical benefits as a Health Savings Account?

6. Does your plan provides benefits of reform health care, including free preventive care and allowing dependents to remain on the plane until they turn 26?

7. Does your company or participate in fitness programs in the workplace or to provide incentives this year?

Once you have the answers to these questions, ask yourself if a group health plan is the most affordable option, or if you should consider a plan on the private market.

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